Versions Compared


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Summary: List of notes for associated with endowments, gifts, and special recognition funds which often include electronic bookplate links, and which are added to catalog records via monthly CatMan routines. For a list of gift notes not connected to special funds or applied by catalogers instead of those handled by CatMan routines, see Gift collections & notes.

Table of Contents

Applying the note

  • Once a month, CatMan runs a check on all materials ordered using certain fund codes or belonging to certain collections (see lists below)
  • Identified materials receive the corresponding endowment note
    • In most cases, the note goes in the 590 field of the bib record
    • In some cases, an 856 note is also or only applied to the item record
  • Always use the substitution code if available, to prevent typing errors and promote consistency
    • Type MSU: in the 590 field and then the appropriate substitution phrase code
    • The substitution code will automatically enter the endowment note language

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Regular endowment

Fund notes


eBook Plates

MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Patricia A. Anderson Library Endowment for Children's Books.

MSU: Purchased with funds provided by Kathy and Lorrey Bianchi.
brusp%brusMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Tamara Brunnschweiler Geography Library Endowment.|u
MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Thomas Bushell Memorial Fund.
c94sp%c94sMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the MSU Class of 1994 Library Endowment Fund.
eyesp%eyesMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Maxine A. Eyestone Endowment Fund for the MSU Libraries.
ffesp%ffesMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Force Family Endowment for Popular Culture.
MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the
Beatrice V. Grant Endowment Fund. 
Evelyn Frost Memorial Cookbook fund.|u

MSU: Purchased with funds provided by

the Burton L. Gerber

Stuart Albert Gallacher Memorial Fund for German literature and folklore.

added 10/13/17

gefsp%gefsMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Beatrice V. Grant Endowment Fund.
gersp%gersMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Burton L. Gerber and Rosalie P. Gerber Endowment for the MSU Libraries.

MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Charles and Marjorie Gliozzo Endowment Fund.|u   


holsp%holsMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Stanley C. Hollander and Selma D. Hollander Endowment for Special Collections.
hotsp%hotsMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Dr. E. James and Geri Potchen History of Horticulture Endowment Fund.
kensp%kensMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Kathleen D. Kennedy Memorial Library Endowment for American and British History and Literature.|u
kuzsp%kuzsMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Mirdza Kuze Library Endowment Fund for Baltic Collections.|u
medsp%medsMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the MSU Medical Library Endowment Fund.mmosp%mmosMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Margaret Wallace Moon Endowment for the Florence G. Wallace Conservation Laboratory. Purchased with funds provided by the Lester and Dorothy Manderscheid Endowment for the Mathematics Library. n/a

MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Marilee E. Thomas and Robert C. Thomas Science and Related Subjects Collection.

New endowment 4/15/15

potsp%potsMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Joseph A. Potchen Endowment for the Central European History Collection. 

590 __ MSU: Gift of Stephen O. Murray and Keelung Hong.

830_0 Stephen O. Murray and Keelung Hong Fund for History of Anthropology and Gay Studies.|5MiEM


y 856 42 |zMSU: Gift of Stephen O. Murray and Keelung Hong.|u


OK per P. Berg to drop "Collection" from the end of the note in the item record hyper links



External fund: Murray & Hong

medsp%medsMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the MSU Medical Library
Endowment Fund.
%mmosMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the
Charles and Ruth Schmitter Fencing Collection Endowment Fund.|u
Margaret Wallace Moon Endowment for the Florence G. Wallace Conservation Laboratory.
%mndsMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the
Radicalism Collection Endowment Fund in Memory of Beth Shapiro.|u
Lester and Dorothy Manderscheid Endowment for the Mathematics Library.

MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the

Alan and Shirley Brocker Sliker Library Endowment.spcspMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Special Collections Endowment.New, waiting for fund codeMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Robert S. and Harriett R. Spira Library Endowment fundtolsp%tols

Marilee E. Thomas and Robert C. Thomas Science and Related Subjects Collection.

New endowment 4/15/15


MSU: Purchased with funds provided

by the Harold and Helen Tolles Endowment.tomsp%toms

by the Joseph A. Potchen Endowment for the Central European History Collection.     

OK per P. Berg to drop "Collection" from the end of the note in the item record hyper links

presp%presMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the
Marvin L. Tomber Endowment for the MSU Mathematics Library
Library Preservation Endowment Fund.
%schsMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the
Paul and Barbara Trudgen Library Endowment.tsusp%tsus
Charles and Ruth Schmitter Fencing Collection Endowment Fund.|u
shasp%shasMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the
Kayoko Tsuda-Guy Asian Art
Radicalism Collection Endowment Fund in
memory of Gordon and Nina Collison.
|zMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Kayoko Tsuda-Guy Asian Art Collection Endowment.|
Memory of Beth Shapiro.|u
%slisMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the
Maurice and Elayne Crane Vincent Voice %wdbs
Alan and Shirley Brocker Sliker Library Endowment.
MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the
Kim A. Wilcox and Diane Del Buono Endowment for Library Agricultural Collections.whasp%whas
Special Collections Endowment.
New, waiting for fund code
MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the
Russell and Laura Whalls Library Endowment Fund.|u wmcsp%wmcs
Robert S. and Harriett R. Spira Library Endowment fund
tolsp%tolsMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the
Russell and Laura Whalls Library Endowment Fund.|u 

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Other gift, memorial, and recognition notes

Substitution codes are not available for these notes. 

Harold and Helen Tolles Endowment.
tomsp%tomsMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Marvin L. Tomber Endowment for the MSU Mathematics Library.
trusp%trusMSU: Purchased with funds provided by
Kathy and Lorrey Bianchi.bshsp
the Paul and Barbara Trudgen Library Endowment.
tsusp%tsusMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the
Thomas Bushell Memorial Fund.frospMSU
Kayoko Tsuda-Guy Asian Art Collection Endowment in memory of Gordon and Nina Collison.

|zMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the
Evelyn Frost Memorial Cookbook fund
Kayoko Tsuda-Guy Asian Art Collection Endowment.|u
voisp%voisMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Maurice and Elayne Crane Vincent Voice Library Endowment.
wdbsp%wdbsMSU: Purchased with funds provided by
Stuart Albert Gallacher Memorial Fund for German literature and folklore.

added 10/13/17


590 __ MSU: Gift of Stephen O. Murray and Keelung Hong.

830_0 Stephen O. Murray and Keelung Hong Fund for History of Anthropology and Gay Studies.|5MiEM


y 856 42 |zMSU: Gift of Stephen O. Murray and Keelung Hong
the Kim A. Wilcox and Diane Del Buono Endowment for Library Agricultural Collections.

MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Joanne Weil Memorial Fund.


y 856 42 |zPurchased with funds provided by the Joanne Weil Memorial Fund.|u

whasp%whasMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Russell and Laura Whalls Library Endowment Fund.|u

External fund: Murray & Hong

wmcsp%wmcsMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the
Joanne Weil Memorial Fund.


y 856 42 |zPurchased with funds provided by the Joanne Weil Memorial Fund.|
Russell and Laura Whalls Library Endowment Fund.|u

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Notes not associated with a fund code

Collection notes

  • Though these collections are not assigned a fund code, CatMan is still responsible for applying the corresponding notes and/or bookplate links to the item record.
  • The associated gift and series notes, which are usually applied by catalogers, can be used to search for and identify new materials, instead of a fund code.
  • It's also a good idea to check the quality/accuracy of the gift and series notes in the bib and supply any missing fields.
Beard|zMSU: Gift to James B Beard Turfgrass Library Collection.|u __ MSU: Gift to James B Beard Turfgrass Library Collection.
Boyer|zMSU: Cataloging made possible by the Raymond F. Boyer Library Fund.|u

590 __ MSU: Cataloging made possible by the Raymond F. Boyer Library Fund.

830 _0 Raymond F. Boyer Library Collection.|5MiEM


|zMSU: Gift of William D. and Helen M. Chase.|u

Non-chronology materials tied together with a 590 gift note will not be linked to the ebookplate. Added 2/21/17.

590 note: MSU: Gift of William D. and Helen M. Chase.

Books part of the chronology collection have the series field:

830 _0 William D. and Helen M. Chase Collection. |5 MiEM

Dietz|zMSU: Gift of Ronald Dietz.|u __ MSU: Gift of Ronald Dietz.
Faculty Booksnone

590 __ MSU: Stanley C. and Selma D. Hollander Faculty Book Collection.

(June 2014 chg'd name)

Holtzman|zMSU: Gift of Irwin T. and Shirley Holtzman.|u __ MSU: Gift of Irwin T. and Shirley Holtzman. 

830 _0 Irwin T. and Shirley Holtzman Israeli Literature Collection.|5MiEM
Koch, Donald|zMSU: Gift of Donald F. Koch American Philosophy Collection.|u __ MSU: Gift of Donald F. Koch American Philosophy Collection.

830 _0 Donald F. Koch American Philosophy Collection.|5MiEM
Koch, Henry|zMSU: Gift of Henry C. Koch.|u __ MSU: Gift of Henry C. Koch.
Lockwood (Romani)|zMSU: Gift of William G. Lockwood and Yvonne R. Lockwood.|u

590 __ MSU: Gift of William G. Lockwood and Yvonne R. Lockwood. 


590 __ MSU Special Collections copy: Gift of William G. Lockwood and Yvonne R. Lockwood.

830 _0 William G. Lockwood Collection of Romani Ethnology and Gypsy Stereotypes.|5MiEM

Lockwood (Foodways)|zMSU: Gift of William G. Lockwood and Yvonne R. Lockwood.|u __ MSU: Gift of William G. Lockwood and Yvonne R. Lockwood.

830 _0 The William G. Lockwood and Yvonne R. Lockwood Collection of National, Ethnic and Regional Foodways.|5MiEM
McDaniel|zMSU: Gift of Donna Dixon McDaniel.|u __ MSU: Gift of Donna Dixon McDaniel.
Shanghainone 590 __ MSU: Gift of Shanghai Library. 
Staff (retired)|zIn recognition of retiring staff [Staff name] for her service to the MSU Libraries.|u[number]590 __ MSU: In Recognition of retiring staff [person's name; ex. Kriss Ostrom] for her service to the MSU Libraries.
Student (graduated)|zIn recognition of MSU Libraries Student Employee, [student name], Class of [year].|u __ MSU: This book was selected in recognition of MSU Libraries Student Employee, [Name], Class of [year].
WakoskiAn e-book plate will be created 6/6/13590 __ MSU: Gift of Diane Wakoski.
Women's Resource Center No ebookplate. These only have a 590 gift note.

590 __ MSU: Gift of the MSU Women’s Resource Center.  


590 __MSU: G.M.KLINE DIGITAL/MEDIA copy is a gift of the MSU Women’s Resource Center.

Wilensky-Ritzenhein|zMSU: Gift of Stephen P. Wilensky and Mark S. Rizenhein.|u

590 __ MSU: Gift of Stephen P. Wilensky and Mark S. Ritzenhein.

830 _0 Wilensky-Ritzenhein Gay Book Collection|5MiEM

*These are usually added in cataloging workflows.

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  • CatMan is responsible for the addition of endowment, notes to existing cataloging records.
  • Catalogers will often add related gift and series notes 

Page Properties

ContactLisa English or Don Depoorter
UpdatedApril 2018
CreatedApril 2018