Leader byte 7 | |
Issue | The valid leader byte 7 = a, b, c, d, i, m or s, MSU has several more than the approved type. Clean-up the old unvalid codes. |
Status | Unassigned |
Assigned to | |
Priority | |
Instructions |
Instance format 337 + 338 term variations | |
Issue | Various versions of the term “rdacarrier” and other 33X 338 $2 vocab terms are incorrect in our data. |
Status | In progress? Joshua handed off to Lisa R.Complete |
Assigned to | MetMan (338 $2) |
Priority | |
Instructions |
Record status (Leader/05) invalid values | |
Issue | Valid values are a, c, d, n, p; we have a lot of invalid values. Will need to run a Create List to grab invalid values. Probably export to spreadsheet will be most effective for isolating invalid values. |
Status | Unassigned |
Assigned to | MetMan? CatMan? CopyCat? |
Priority | |
Instructions |