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Summary: Procedure describes steps to be taken in the processing, labeling, and barcoding of rush items for different MSU Libraries locations. Anchor top top
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Flags and streamers found in the material can be removed once the materials are processed with the following exceptions: Yellow Reserve and Notify streamers.
Most rush material should be processed following the usual Quality Control guidelines for labeling materials. Below are the categories of rush material along with their specific processes.
Some locations require a specific IType and status code to force a different loan rule, while other locations are set to default to a specific loan period and they do not need the IType or Status changed. If there area no instructions for an IType or status change you do not need one.
- Books destined for Browsing will have an orange flag in them.
- Do not stamp Browsing above the hand written call number on the inside of the book.
- Item location is 'br' and uses a white barcode.
- Place an orange date due slip inside on the first fly of the piece.
- Labeling books with a book jacket - Two call number labels are used: One call number label is placed on the piece itself and a second call number label is placed on the book jacket. Additionally, a "Browsing" label is placed on the book jacket above the call number label. Do not place a "Browsing" label on the piece itself. After the labels are placed on the book jacket, cover it with a plastic cover.
- Barcoding books with a book jacket – Place a white barcode on the back of the piece itself and a duplicate barcode on the back of the book jacket.
- Labeling books without a book jacket - A call number label is placed on the piece itself and a "Browsing" label is placed above the call number label.
Business Processing
- Books destined for Business Reference (bunqr and bunrf) and Business Popular (bupop) will have a Red rush flag.
- Barcode with yellow barcodes.
- Catalogers should stamp "Business Library" on the top left corner of the inside cover and on the top left corner of the first fly leaf.
- When processing is complete, CatMan staff will put the item in-transit using the “Check-in (No Patron)” process before placing books on the branch library mail shelf.
Note Please note: When books are checked in by the branch from in-transit status, the system may alter any special location Itypes and Status fields. Branch Libraries should check these fields and edit them as needed.
- Books destined for Business Popular (bupop) will have a Red rush flag.
- Acquisitions will retain the book jacket on these books.
- Verify that the item location is bupop.
- Labeling books with a book jacket - Two call number labels are used: One call number label is placed on the piece itself and a second call number label is placed on the book jacket. Do not place a location label above the call number on the book jacket or the piece itself.
- Barcoding with the book jacket - Place a yellow barcode on the back of the piece itself and a duplicate barcode (which is white) with a clear yellow barcode cover on the back of the book jacket.
- Verify that the item location is either bunqr or bunrf.
Career Collection
- Item location is 'ca' and uses a white barcode.
- Career should already have a location stamp placed above the hand written call number which located is inside the book.
- Place a lime green Career date due slip inside on the first fly of the piece.
- On the outside of the book place a Career location label above the call number. The location label is placed above the call number whether the call number fits on the spine or the front cover.
Children's Book Collection
- Books destined for the Children’s Juvenile collection will have a lavender JUV streamer. The streamer will have the letter “P” placed underneath the JUV letters for books designated for picture book section.
- The bib record should also have a series title, "s 830 0 MSU Children's & YA Literature Collection.|5MiEM"
- Do not stamp JUV or Children above the hand written call number on the inside of the book.
- Item location is 'mnjuv' and uses a white barcode.
- Place a lavender Juvenile date due slip inside on the first fly of the piece.
- All Children’s books will have “MSU JUV Book Collection” label (same as Faculty book label) placed above the call number label on the piece. For picture books, place the “PICTURE” label above the “MSU JUV Book Collection” label.
- Determine where the labels will be placed depending on the width of the spine and the width of both the call number and the JUV location label. If the width of the call number label or the width of the JUV location label requires one of the labels to be on the front of the book, place BOTH labels on the front of the piece with the JUV location label placed UNDERNEATH the call number label on the front of the piece. If "PICTURE" book, place "PICTURE" above the JUV location label.
- Books with a book jacket - Two call number labels are used: One call number label is placed on the piece itself, and a second call number label is placed on the book jacket. Additionally, a "MSU JUV Book Collection" label is placed on the book jacket above the call number label. Do not place a "MSU JUV Book Collection" label on the piece itself. After the labels are placed on the book jacket, cover it with a plastic cover. Barcode both the book jacket and the piece.
- Makerspace books will come with a Rush streamer in them.
- Books destined for the Makerspace will have a "MAKERSPACE" stamp above the call number which is located on the inside of the book.
- Place the appropriate date due slip inside on the first fly of the piece:
- mnmsp (book)
- mnmst (technology) has two date due slips 7 day or 72 hour date due
- Place an ownership stamp on the inside front cover..
- Call number label should also have MAKERSPACE typed above the call number.
- Determine where the labels will be placed based on the width of the spine and the width of both the call number and the Makerspace location label. If the width of the call number label or the width of the Makerspace location label requires one of the labels to be on the front of the book, place BOTH labels on the front of the piece with the Makerspace location label placed ABOVE the call number label on the front of the piece.
- Item Records:
- Location code for books: mnmsp. Circulates 21 days and Itype value should be 0 (zero).
- Location code for Technology materials: mnmst. Technology materials circulate three days (198 Melcat non-requestable), unless specified to circulate 72 hours.
- Itype “198” (Location is set to circulate 7 days)
- 72 Hour, Itype “18” (72 hour loan)
- Use a white barcode.
Microform Guides
- No stickers needed. They do their own identifying markings for microform guides.
- Location code mcgde
- Non-circulating: IType 199 and Status letter "o".
MSU Collection
- MSU Collection books are processed on the Rush truck because they are handled separate from the Quality Control materials.
- Books destined for the MSU Collection will have a "MSU COLL." stamp above the hand written call number located on the inside of the book.
- Verify that the call number matches the call number in the bib record. If the record has multiple call number you may need to insert the call number in the item record. Check with staff.
- Place a white date due slip inside on the first fly of the piece.
- Place an ownership stamp on the inside front cover.
- Determine where the call number labels will be placed based on the width of the spine and the width of both the call number and the MSU COLL. sticker. Place the MSU COLL. sticker ABOVE the call number when the labels fits on the spine. If the width of the call number label or the width of the MSU COLL. sticker requires one of the labels to be on the front of the book, place BOTH labels on the front of the piece with the MSU COLL. sticker placed BELOW the call number label on the front of the piece.
- Item Record location code is mnmsu. Circulates normal depending on the patron type: IType 0 (zero) and status "o"; or 21 days when appropriate for periodicals.
- Barcode using a white barcode.
Notifies (that are not associated with any of the categories listed on this procedure) do not have any special labeling or barcoding processes. However, after processing, the books are delivered to Patron Services (Steve) for patron notification.
- Does not get a date due slip.
- Stamp "REFERENCE LIBRARY USE ONLY" on the right side of the inside cover, or the first available page. The stamp is placed about where the date due would normally be placed. Place the stamp on a sticker if the page is too dark.
- Item Records:
- All reference item records have IType "199" and Status "o."
- Locations are ‘ss’, ‘ssfou’, or ‘ssqrf.’
- Use a white barcode for Main, Art, Music, Map Library and Turfgrass; use a pink barcode for Music Library, and yellow for branch libraries.
- Reference stickers placed on Reference books:
- ss (Reference) Place an RC sticker above the call number label, or if the spine is too narrow place the RC sticker to the right of the call number.
- ssfou (Funding) Place an FR sticker above the call number, or if the spine is too narrow place an FR sticker to the right of the call number.
- ssqrf (Closed Ref.) Place letter stickers CLR and a GREEN dot above the call number, or if the spine is too narrow place the CLR letters and a GREEN dot to the right of the call number.
Textbook Collection Processing
- CatMan staff will add the call/accession number to the bib record in the "c" tag 099 field.
- Verify that the location stamp, “Textbook Collection” is placed on the inside verso cover page or verso title page if it’s paperback. No call number will be hand written inside the book.
- Normal processing (stamping and barcoding.)
- No re-binding is needed, which includes books stapled or three ring binders.
- Place a white date due slip inside on the first fly of the piece.
- Item Record
- Item location code is mntbk
- Checkout period is 4 months, and the loan rule prevents holds and recalls.
- Change ITypes to 198 in order for these to be MelCat non-requestable.
- Insert an "f" staff note in each item record stating from which organization we received the book and that it is for the Textbook Project. e.g. "Received from Spartans.4.Spartans for the Textbook Project.", or, "Received from ASMSU for the Textbook Project."
- Use a white barcode.
- Accession call number labels.
- Assign the next Textbook accession call numbers to the attached Word document.
- Search Sierra using an "e" call number search to verify that the new number is not a duplicate.
- Call number labels start with the word “Textbook” followed by one space and then the accession number. e.g. "Textbook 98"
- The call number is placed outside of the book preferably on the spine, or the front cover if the spine is too narrow.
- Place "Textbook" above the call number if the label fits on the spine, or below the call number if the label is placed on the front cover.
- Give finished books to CatMan Processing staff to send Mark Andrews an e-mail that there are Textbooks ready to be shelved.
Travel Collection
- Travel books should already have a location stamp placed above the call number which is located inside the book.
- Item location is "irtrv" and uses a white barcode.
- Place a goldenrod Travel date due slip inside on the first fly of the piece.
- On the outside of the book place a TRAVEL location label above the typed call number. The location label is placed above the call number whether the call number fits on the spine or the front cover.
Turfgrass (Beard)
- Turfgrass is considered a rush book because they are non-circulating.
- Insert a red rush flag inside book if there isn't already one in it
- Location tfbrd
- IType 199 and Status "o"
- Write call number on the book gift slip.
- No other stickers.
- Gift plate should already by inside the book.
- Barcode (31293 ...), but do not place a barcode shield over the barcode.
Delivery of Books After Labeling
- Deliver Interlibrary Loan books to ILL.
- Reserve books with yellow flags in them are given to Reserve staff. Exception: Branch Reserve books (yellow flag) are placed in-transit and sent directly to the branch.
- Branch books are checked-in for in-transit by a CatMan staff person, and then placed on the corresponding branch mail shelf. Please note: When books are checked in by the branch from in-transit status, the system may alter any special location Itypes and Status fields.
- Browsing and Main Library Notifies are delivered to Staff (Steve) in Patron Services.
- Career, Travel, Faculty, and Juvenile books are placed on the CATMAN truck labeled "Volumes for Central Distribution."
- Reference books.
- ss and ssfou reference books are placed on the Reference shelf along the Technical Services hallway wall.
- ssqrf (Closed Reference) books are to be delivered to and shelved in the Closed Reference locked cabinet.
- “Keep latest in” reference books are swapped out by CatMan staff.
- MSU Collection books are placed on the Central Distribution truck for shelving.
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