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Version | Old Version 12 | New Version 13 |
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Summary: These procedures detail temporary cataloging workflows for the interim period in which cataloging continues in Sierra while Acquisitions work is done in FOLIO. These workflows will be in effect until cataloging functions are also switched over to FOLIO (expected in December 2021). Anchor top top
Warning |
This page is in progress; information should not be considered final. |
Table of Contents | ||
Overview of changes
- For materials acquired after July 1, 2021, orders will be created by Acq in FOLIO
- For shelf-ready and YBP firm orders purchased post July 1, 2021, brief order bibs will still be created in Sierra; for all other titles, no brief bib will exist.
- The migration of Sierra order records to FOLIO includes anything ordered in the last two years (from July 1, 2019).
- Order records migrated to FOLIO will also remain in Sierra.
General cataloging (non shelf-ready or firm-ordered YBP)
- Bring a record into Sierra from OCLC without overlaying
- Using QuickMARC in the Inventory app, copy/paste the resulting Sierra bib number into the 907 of the FOLIO instance record using this format:
- .b########
- Acq staff will load bibs into Sierra as usual and enter the Sierra bib number in the matching FOLIO Instance record
- Catalogers must make sure should be careful to overlay on the same bib record in Sierra, instead of bringing in creating a new record Sierra bib and moving order records
- If this isn't possible, put enter the new Sierra bib record number # in FOLIO Instance record field "Sierra bib number" the FOLIO instance as described above
Info |
This is true for anything ordered in the last two years. |
Moving existing Sierra order records
- Once created and linked to a FOLIO instance, FOLIO order records cannot be moved to a different instance
- Rather, if a Sierra order must be moved to a different Sierra bib, catalogers should:
- Copy/paste the bib # from the Sierra bib to which the order was moved
- Locate the corresponding order in FOLIO
- Open the linked instance record
- Use QuickMARC to update the "Sierra bib record" field in the 907 field
Web cats
- Currently, Lisa B. grabs info from webcats form and creates order record; in attached bib, she puts in 010 "webcat" so Janet can search and find them
- Use temporary location code instead?
Add vols, add locs, add copies, analytics, etc.
- Add vols and copies
- New volumes or copies purchased after July 1, 2021, for titles cataloged before that date, will have an order and instance record created with FOLIO
- Acq staff will enter the corresponding Sierra bib # in the instance record
- Sierra cataloging work to add the volume can proceed normally; changes to the bib, new item records, etc., will be overlaid on the FOLIO instance record when cataloging migration occurs
T Locs
- How are we migrating and managing in FOLIO?
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