Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Summary: This procedure provides guidance on formatting 949 fields commands to invoke an action when a record is downloaded from OCLC to the local Sierra Integrated Library System (ILS). Adopted from a III document. See Workstats formatting for guidance on local workstats formula and codes.


With the migration from Sierra to FOLIO, these procedures are archived and for historic value only. The information is no longer regularly reviewed or updated. 

Table of Contents

Using local fields when downloading records

  • Local fields may be used to create attached records and to specify bibliographic or authority record information during downloading. Detailed information on the use of local fields follows.
  • In this document, blank MARC indicators are represented by the '^' character.

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Bibliographic and item record downloading

Command Lines

  • Command Lines use a 949 MARC field with blank indicators (949 ^^). (The MARC tag used can
    be customized if necessary.)
  • All Command Line data is entered into subfield 'a' of the 949.
  • The first element of the Command Line must be an asterisk (*).
  • All commands, including the last, must end with a semicolon (;).
  • Always separate commands relating to one item record with a slash (/).
  • Use the equals sign (=) or hyphen (-) to separate the command from the desired input value.
  • There must be no embedded spaces in the 949 field, with the exceptions of "ov=", "i=" and "v=".
  • If the library uses holdings symbols to specify bibliographic record LOCATION codes, the holdings symbol generated LOCATION will override the LOCATION specified in the default template. If a Command Line exists containing the 'bn=' branch LOCATION command, the command LOCATION will override the holdings symbol table specified LOCATION.

General commandsAction
recs=Specifies load table
ins=Specifies user initials
dflt=Specifies default template(s)
ov=Specifies overlay match point

Bibliographic commandsAction
b1=Sets value of BCODE1 (e.g. BIB LEVEL)
b2=Sets value of BCODE2 (e.g. MAT TYPE)
b3=Sets value of BCODE3
bn=Sets value of Bibliographic LOCATION
cy=Sets value of COUNTRY
la=Sets value of LANGUAGE
ct=Sets value of CAT DATE

Item commandsAction
i=Sets value of Barcode
loc=Sets value of Item LOCATION
cop=Sets value of COPY#
v=Sets value of VOLUME
ty=Sets value of ITYPE
pr=Sets value of PRICE
sta=Sets value of STATUS
il=Sets value of ICODE1
i2=Sets value of ICODE2
im=Sets value of IMESSAGE
om=Sets value of OPACMSG
ag=Sets value of AGENCY


Branch Library A

  • Uses holdings symbols
  • Downloads with m2btab.b (bibs and items)
  • Has set up a default template for video items

The library downloads a bibliographic record with the following 949^^ :

949^^ *recs=b;dflt=vidi;ov=.b12345678;i=35051123456789/pr=34.99;

What Happens:

  • Language, Country, MAT TYPE, and BIB LEVEL map in from bibliographic information (008, leader).
  • CAT DATE is input according to the load table specifications (today's date in this case).
  • A bibliographic LOCATION is created from the holdings symbol.
  • Call number is chosen according to the holdings symbol table.
  • BCODE3 is taken from the default template for bibliographic records specified for the load table in Database Maintenance System Options (in this case the value is '-').
  • Overlay occurs on a specific bibliographic record, .b12345678.
  • An item is created. Only Barcode and Price are specified because the "vidi" item template specified in the command line supplies the proper ICODE2, ITYPE, STATUS, LOCATION, and OPACMSG for video.

Subfield lines

  • Use Subfield Lines when you need to insert variable-length fields with embedded spaces such as in call numbers or volume fields.
  • Subfield Lines use a 949 MARC field with a blank first indicator and a second indicator of 1 (949^1). (The MARC tag used can be customized if necessary.)
  • The user adds one 949^1 for each item record desired.
  • Note that variable fields added at the library's request (e.g., GIFT NOTE) may be downloaded as well. Contact the Help Desk if staff wish to download locally-created variable fields not on the
    default list and cannot do so. These fields must be added to appropriate load tables.
a,bSets value of CALL NO
fSets value of CALL NO PRE STAMP
kSets value of CALL NO POST STAMP
d,eSets value of repeatable VOLUME/PART
cSets value of VOLUME/PART
zSets MARC tag of CALL NO
gSets value of COPY#
iSets value of Barcode
lSets value of Item LOCATION
mSets value of MESSAGE (variable field)
nSets value of NOTE
pSets value of PRICE
qSets value of ICODE1
rSets value of ICODE2
sSets value of STATUS
tSets value of ITYPE
uSets value of IMESSAGE
oSets value of OPACMSG
hSets value of AGENCY


Branch Library B

  • Does not use holdings symbols
  • Downloads with m2btab.b (bibs and items)
  • Has set up default bib and item templates for the reference collection

The library downloads a bibliographic record with both the following 949^^ and 949^1 fields. The library adds one 949^1 for each desired item.

949 ^^ *recs=b;dflt=refb,refi;ov=.b19876552;ins=luv; 949 ^1
‡i35002004183725‡cv. 1 949 ^1 ‡i35002004183736‡cv. 2 949 ^1
‡i35002004183747‡cv. 3 949 ^1 ‡i35002004183758‡cv. 4 949 ^1
‡i35002004183725‡cv. 5

What Happens:

  • Language, Country, MAT TYPE, and BIB LEVEL map in from bibliographic information (008,leader).
  • CAT DATE is input according to the load table specifications (today's date in this case).
  • BCODE3 is taken from the default template for bibliographic records specified in the load table (in this case '-').
  • Bibliographic LOCATION is taken from the default bib template specified.
  • Overlay occurs on a specific bibliographic record, .b19876552.
  • Five items are created. Fixed fields map in from the default template specified, including STATUS 'o' for LIB USE ONLY. Volume (subfield 'c') and Barcode (subfield 'i') fields are input
    according to the 949^1s.

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Authority Records Downloading

Command lines

  • No Command Line is necessary to export a name authority as a name authority and a subject
    authority as a subject authority. Simply export the record. However, if downloading a record with
    'mixed tags' (e.g., a 150 and a 400) or if the 'anam' and 'asub' load tables have been specially
    profiled, consider specifying the load table.
  • If the library wishes to download one type of authority as another in interactive loading, e.g., a
    name authority as a subject, the commands shown below may be used.
  • If the "atab=" command is used, the system will overlay on the indexed control number. Normally
    this will be a MARC 010 tag indexed in the 'z' index. Some libraries may have the control number
    stored in the MARC 001 tag.
  • For batch transfers, the library staff choose the appropriate load profile.
  • If the library wishes to overlay a specific authority record, the "ov=" command may be used.
  • The "ov=" command and the "atab=" command cannot be used together in one record.
  • The 'recs=' command is not used.
  • Authority load tables may be customized to include Command Line commands for inserting ACODE values.

An authority record may be copied as another type of authority record using the "Copy" function in the Millennium Editor.

atab=anamInvokes the 'name authority' load table
atab=asubInvokes the 'subject authority' load table
ov=Overlays on record number

Subfield lines

  • Authority load tables may be customized to include subfields for inserting ACODE values.


Branch Library F

  • Is loading interactively.
  • Wants to download some name authority records as subject authority records

The library downloads an authority record with the following 949^^ :

949 ^^ *atab=asub;

What Happens:

A name authority is downloaded as a subject authority.
Fixed field values are supplied from a default template invoked by the load table.

Branch Library G

  • Is loading interactively.
  • Wants to overlay an existing authority record.

The library downloads an authority record with the following 949^^ :

949 ^^ *ov=.a1988333x;

What Happens:

The system overlays the existing authority record with the new record.

Branch Library H

  • Is loading interactively.
  • Wants to set ACODE values using command line commands.

The library downloads an authority record with the following 949^^ :

949 ^^ *a1=k;a3=n;

What Happens:
The system sets the value of ACODE1 to 'k' and sets the value of ACODE3 to 'n'.

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ContactDao Gong
UpdatedJuly 2013
CreatedApril 2018June 2022