- Loretta
- Africana newspapers
- Emily
- made progress clearing out inherited serials backlog
- some order record slips from the 70s and 80s!
- Nicole
- SPC and Maps Library manuscript collections with several challenging cataloging decisions
- handmade postcards with various maps from all over the world
- digital video files
- SPC and Maps Library manuscript collections with several challenging cataloging decisions
- Mike
- Zine comic books
- learning the difference between Randy's local terms for New Wave comics (usually handmade, underground in nature, etc.) and Alternative comics (not mainstream but clearly published material, ready for sale, etc.)
- Jessica
- continuing cataloging education with Africana book series in Chinese
- first attempts at name authority work
- Cathy
- collectible card albums from mid-20th century with popularized depictions of colonial Africa
- interesting from a historical perspective, presents some challenges in terms of subject analysis
- Autumn
- cataloged a coursepack and found little guidance in RDA or among best practices communities, and no helpful examples in OCLC
- hard to determine nature of material and responsibility roles – a mix of reproduced published content and professor's supplied bibliographical content
- cataloged as unpublished (t workform) and professor as contributor (700) with $e organizer relationship designator
- Lisa
- currently working on batch and manual updates to change Aliens and Illegal aliens subject headings and various related subdivisions in the catalog
- being replaced with terms Unauthorized immigration and Non-citizens
- these new terms have local authority records, which contain all the cross-references for Illegal aliens
- plus they have "Illegal aliens" as a cross-reference
- headings like Children of illegal aliens are not currently being changed; further discussion is planned for handling such headings