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CMS 2023.08.15
Preview of the new RDA Toolkit
This second version of RDA is based on the updated Library Reference Model, the successor to the conceptual model FRBR
There will be much to learn about the new and revised content of RDA, but the updated interface includes some helpful user features:
Each person can create their own user profile, which allows them to maintain a list of personal notes and bookmarks on RDA instructions
Users may also create “views” of RDA which tailor the display of instructions to certain types of material only, as specified
Any relevant best practices from the Library of Congress and the Music Library Association will be included with each instruction
Users may search for MARC fields to find any RDA instructions relevant to information recorded in that field
ex: search for “Bibliographic 300” or “Authority 100”
Each instruction in the new RDA covers 4 different approaches for recording a piece of information
Unstructured (free text, like the 546 language note)
Structured (usually a term from a controlled vocabulary)
Identifier (ISBN, UPC, etc.)
IRI (essentially a URI)
Official group-created notes from the preconference – lots of detail here, Autumn can help with any questions.
PCC has announced their plan to do a rolling implementation of the new RDA between May 2024 and June 2027; MSUL does not have firm plans for adoption yet.
Catalogers are free to explore the new Toolkit at; email Autumn for the login and password.
Once you have logged in with the generic MSUL login, you can set up your own profile with a personalized login and password.
Remember not to implement these new guidelines yet. We are still working under the first version of RDA at
Updates to headings related to Mormon Church, sexual minorities
Updates to Mormon Church, Mormons, and Mormon. New term is See list here:
Mormon Church → Latter Day Saint churches
Mormons → Latter Day Saints
Mormon → Latter Day Saint
Updates to terms related to sexual minorities:
“Gay people” replacing “Gays”
Result of work by the Gender and Sexuality NACO Funnel, yay!
LC limiting review of proposed headings to 200 per monthly list
Concerns expressed about what this means for the already lengthy turnaround time on SACO work
CMS 2023.08.01
Though not announced through HR, paperwork is signed today
Handoff of roles is in process; Joshua will be passing along information for continuity
The role is a year long interim appointment through end of July 2024
Joshua discontinuing standing meetings; Autumn will reach out to those who’ve had meetings with Joshua to establish a cadence
An interim head of CopyCat will be found; in meantime, Autumn is still supervising copy catalogers
CMS 2023.07.18
Joshua remains head of cataloging until an interim is confirmed.
Open call ended Friday and at least one person expressed interest; formality of an interview would follow. No further details available at the point of this meeting.
CMS 2023.06.20
Still on track for some time the week of June 26
CMS 2023.06.06
Joshua attended an Orchid update session led by Molly Driscoll.
Molly highlighting in passing some differences in search vs. browse behavior in Orhid.
Joshua demonstrated how queries entered under the browse tab in Inventory in Orchid (e.g. for subject or contributor) take you first to a list of results in shelflist order. Selecting a result passes you through to a search function for the exact AAP matching your selected browse result, but clicking on the browse tab again returns you to your browse results. So unlike earlier releases, you can revisit your browse list after selecting a result.
Issues remain re: indexing of ending punctuation in contributor values in the instance. For example, newly created instance records (i.e. derived from a newly imported SRS record) will include the comma preceding $e in the indexing. Legacy, migrated records do not do this. This difference in indexing behavior results in split files when browsing contributor in Inventory.
CMS 2023.05.16