Summary: A list of terms that trigger incorrect headings changes in authorities processing (i.e. "bad flips").
Certain terms trigger the addition of inappropriate corporate body names to a bibliographic record. This situation occurs most often in vendor-supplied records who use keywords coded as LCSH terms.
This list shows the keyword, the correct subject heading (if one exists), and the inappropriate corporate body names.
Correct subject: names (usually of corporate bodies, but occasionally personal or geographic names).
Keyword | Possible Correct Subject | URI | Inappropriate Name(s) |
AIDS | AIDS (Disease) |
|0http - Alabama Information and Development System
- Forest Products Research Society. Abstract Information Digest Service
- American Institute for Decision Sciences
Apers |
Correct name: ]
| - Bureau international de liaison et de documentation
- Ontario. Board of Industrial Leadership and Development
Cine |
| - Council on International Nontheatrical Events
Centre - Centre for Indigenous Peoples' Nutrition and Environment
Class |
| - Cooperative Library Agency for Systems and Services (Calif.)
- Community Leaders Allied for Superior Schools
- Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools
- Ohio State University. Construction Laboratory for Automation and System Simulation
- University of Idaho. College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences
- Georgia Southern University. College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
- California Library Authority for Systems and Services
- Association of Classical Independents in Germany
Code |
| - Valle del Cauca (Colombia).
Consejo - Consejo Departamental de Estadística
- Commission on Declining School Enrolments in Ontario
- Comisión Organizadora del Debate Educativo (Uruguay)
- Viện tư vấn phát triển (Vietnam)
Craft (or Crafts) |
Correct term: Handicraft
- Coordinated Research on Alternative Forestry Treatments & Systems
Dans |
| - Data Archiving and Networked Services
Digital |
Possible correct term: Possible correct term: DVDs. Also DVDs (delete subject heading if being used to indicate that the manifestation is a DVD |
(which means delete the subject.
| - Deutsche Vereinigung für Datenschutz
Elite |
Correct term:
| - Encontro Nacional de Geografia Agrária.
Film |
| - Federazione italiana dei lavoratori del mare
Form |
| - Fondazione orchestra regionale delle Marche
Gender |
Possible correct term: General General | Sometimes used in video records to indicate a film for a general audience. Delete such subjects. |
| - Genetic Resources Action International
Hip |
Correct term: | - National Indian Housing Improvement Association
- Virginia. Homeless Intervention Program
- Fysiikan tutkimuslaitos
- Homelessness Intervention Program (N.Y.)
- Harvest Information Program (U.S.)
- Hispanics in Philanthropy
- HIP Health Plan of New Jersey
- Cabrini-Green High Impact Program
- Femina HIP (Firm)
Image |
| - Incorporated Mexican American Government Employees
- Information médicale pour l'aide à la gestion des établissements (Group)
- Institute of Mathematical Geography
- Inyo-Mono Association of Governmental Entities.
Karen |
- Kiwi Advanced Research and Education Network
| - Kudirat Initiative for Democracy
| - Mauritius Export Development and Investment Authority
[personal name]
| - Organización Nacional Agraria (Peru)
- Australia. $b Office of National Assessments
- Ushtria Çlirimtare Kombëtare
- Osservatorio nazionale alcol (Italy)
Rap |
Correct term: |0http - Rapid Assessment Program (Conservation International)
- Regional Alliance for Preservation (U.S.)
- Rural Alcoholism Program (Calif.)
- Ramsey Action Programs, Inc. (Ramsey County, Minn.)
- Radikale Arbeiter-Partei Österreichs
- Chuo cha Uongozi wa Maendeleo (Tanzania). Research and Publication Committee
- Toronto and Region Remedial Action Plan
- Swiss Federal Research Station for Animal Production
- Rakhine Agroforestry Project
- Early Learning Resource Unit (South Africa). Rural Areas Project
- Rapid Action Project (Wildlife Trust of India)
- Rally of Afro-American Parents
- FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
- Reading Association of the Philippines
Rice |
| - Regional Centres for the Improvement of Working Conditions and Environment
- Research & Information Centre of Eritrea (London, England)
Sea ( |
| - Silver Eagles Association
- United States. Science and Education Administration
- Seminario de Estudios Aragoneses
- Society for Economic Anthropology (U.S.)
- Science and Engineering Associates
- South East Arts (Association : Kent, England)
- Sociedad Editora Análisis
- Society of Evangelical Agnostics
- Senior Education Associates
- Sociedad Española de Astronomía
- Society for Education in Anesthesia
- Scottish Equestrian Association
- Minneapolis Public Schools. Southeast Alternatives
- Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
- Students for Environmental Awareness (University of Georgia)
- Société des études arméniennes
- Servicios Educativos El Agustino
Edward [600] - Society of Early Americanists
- Sociedad de Escritoras y Escritores de la Argentina
- Software Engineering Australia
- Socialist Educational Association
- Social Economy Agency (Northern Ireland)
- Society for Education through Art
- Western Australia. Secondary Education Authority
- Ships' Editorial Association
- Idārah-i Taḥaffuẓ-i Muḥīṭ-i Zīst-i Afghānistān
- Sustainable Energy Africa
- Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
[600] - Société d'études pour l'audiovisuel
- Sarawak Eurasian Association
Tanz |
| - Tertiary Accord of New Zealand
- Trade Aid (Organisation : N.Z.)
Water |
| - Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual