Any TS staff working from home will need to access various library platforms/software. You can bring in a personal laptop to have software installed, or there is a possibility that laptops will be available for check-out (stay tuned for more info). Sierra and Connexion also offer web-based apps that can be used instead of desktop clients.
Library VPN | See guidelines on this page: https://lib.msu.edu/staff-telecommuting-guide/ | |
Sierra desktop client | The Sierra client can be downloaded using this link: http://magic.msu.edu:63000/web/installers/ | Desktop client can only be downloaded to PCs; Mac users can use the browser based app below or Remote Desktop instead. (Link goes to an intranet page – must be on library VPN and sign in with netID to view.) Must be signed into the library VPN to use the desktop client. Log in using your usual credentials. Macros, text strings, etc., will need to be recreated in any new installation.
Sierra web-based app | https://magic.msu.edu/sierra/sierraweb | Must be signed into the library VPN to use the web app. Log in using your usual credentials. Macros, text strings, etc., may not be available. We are limited to 16 seats at the moment.
Connexion desktop client | Download Connexion on your personal machine using these instructions. View file |
name | Connexion Client Setup.pdf |
| Desktop client can only be downloaded to PCs; Mac users can use the Connexion browser instead. Library VPN not required for access. Log in using your usual credentials. Records can be saved to the online save file and accessed later for export to Sierra.
Connexion browser | http://connexion.oclc.org/ |
Zoom conferencing software | | Can be downloaded to PCs, Macs, and mobile devices Can be used just with audio or with a webcam Participants can also dial into Zoom meetings from their phone if desired – no computer required
Note |
Considerations for using Connexion from home: Be sure you know your authorization number, plus any additional authorization you may use for Rovi work. Email Joshua if you need help with your authorization number. In all cases, your password is your last name, capitalized.
Macros and text strings might need to be recreated manually. Copy your text strings while in the library so they can be re-created at home. Macros and text strings may not be an option in the Connexion browser. Constant data can be saved to the online constant data file and accessed from home.