These procedures are for TS students working on the Special Collections scanning project on 3E.
Note |
For each shift, submit this form shortly before you enter the library building. |
Table of Contents |
Project info
These scans are being created so library staff working from home can catalog the scanned materials.
Scanning instructions
Info |
Review this detailed guide for scanner operation. |
1. Pull material from shelves
Find a shelf of books that has not been claimed and write your name on the provided label.
The shelf ranges to pull from will be marked by signage.
Pull materials from this one shelf for your scanning work; replace them in roughly the same spot when they are finished.
Continue scanning materials from the selected shelf until it’s completed.
Fill out the shelf label with the date completed.
Claim the next available shelf. Rinse and repeat!
2. Perform a quick survey of the book and note any of the following:
Inscriptions on the first few pages
Edition statements in the front or back (colophon)
Laid-in materials
Handwritten notes on or after the first page of text (marginalia)
3. Fill out the provided 3E scanning cover page, which asks for
Can include Roman numeral, Arabic numeral, and other pagination systems
Measure in centimeters
Typically, only height is needed, but if the item is wider than it is tall, record that measurement too.
Presence or absence of certain elements present in book
Index, bibliography, table of contents, illustrations, etc.
4. Scan all of the following, compiling it as one PDF file:
Cover page
Front cover, back cover and spine
Inside cover, if bookplate is present
Front matter up to and including title page, title page verso, table of contents
Colophon (location in the back of the book for publisher and date info, ISBN, etc.) for books that lack front matter
common in some European imprints
Any marginalia present
Any laid-in materials present
5. Name the scan file
Locate and rename the file you created, using this convention: Shelf#_Title
Example: Shelf1_ToKillAMockingbird
If there are multiple books with the same title, add “a”, “b”, “c”, etc., to the end of the file name
6. Uploading scan files
At the end of your shift, upload all renamed scan files to this Google drive location
Place the scans as follows:
No laid-in materials or marginalia → folder with matching shelf number
Laid-in materials and/or marginalia → Cathy troubleshooting folder
Shifts, building access, & safety
Use the Scanning shifts spreadsheet to refer to or adjust your schedule.
Shifts can only be scheduled from 8-5, Monday through Friday.
Complete the Health Screening Formbefore each shift.
Use your ID card to access workstations on 3 East.
Wear a mask at all times (the library will supply 5 – visit the Makerspace to pick up).
Remain 6 feet apart from others at all times.
Disinfect your workstation after use.
Library building entry details: