Summary: A list of terms that trigger incorrect headings changes in authorities processing (i.e. "bad flips").
Certain terms trigger the addition of inappropriate corporate body names to a bibliographic record. This situation occurs most often in vendor-supplied records who use keywords coded as LCSH terms.
This list shows the keyword, the correct subject heading (if one exists), and the inappropriate corporate body names.names (usually of corporate bodies, but occasionally personal or geographic names).
Keyword | Possible Correct Subject | URI | Inappropriate Name(s) |
Correct subject: |0http - Alabama Information and Development System
- Forest Products Research Society. Abstract Information Digest Service
- American Institute for Decision Sciences
Apers |
Correct name: ]
| - Bureau international de liaison et de documentation
- Ontario. Board of Industrial Leadership and Development
Cine |
| - Council on International Nontheatrical Events
Centre - Centre for Indigenous Peoples' Nutrition and Environment
Class |
| - Cooperative Library Agency for Systems and Services (Calif.)
- Community Leaders Allied for Superior Schools
- Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools
- Ohio State University. Construction Laboratory for Automation and System Simulation
- University of Idaho. College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences
- Georgia Southern University. College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
- California Library Authority for Systems and Services
- Association of Classical Independents in Germany
Code |
| - Valle del Cauca (Colombia).
Consejo - Consejo Departamental de Estadística
- Commission on Declining School Enrolments in Ontario
- Comisión Organizadora del Debate Educativo (Uruguay)
- Viện tư vấn phát triển (Vietnam)
Craft (or Crafts) |
Correct term: Handicraft
- Coordinated Research on Alternative Forestry Treatments & Systems
Dans |
| - Data Archiving and Networked Services
Digital |
Possible correct term: Possible correct term: DVDs. Also DVDs (delete subject heading if being used to indicate that the manifestation is a DVD |
(which means delete the subject.
| - Deutsche Vereinigung für Datenschutz
Elite |
Correct term:
| - Encontro Nacional de Geografia Agrária.
Film |
| - Federazione italiana dei lavoratori del mare
Form |
| - Fondazione orchestra regionale delle Marche
Gender |
Possible correct term: General General | Sometimes used in video records to indicate a film for a general audience. Delete such subjects. |
| - Genetic Resources Action International
Hip |
Correct term: | - National Indian Housing Improvement Association
- Virginia. Homeless Intervention Program
- Fysiikan tutkimuslaitos
- Homelessness Intervention Program (N.Y.)
- Harvest Information Program (U.S.)
- Hispanics in Philanthropy
- HIP Health Plan of New Jersey
- Cabrini-Green High Impact Program
- Femina HIP (Firm)
Image |
| - Incorporated Mexican American Government Employees
- Information médicale pour l'aide à la gestion des établissements (Group)
- Institute of Mathematical Geography
- Inyo-Mono Association of Governmental Entities.
Karen |
- Kiwi Advanced Research and Education Network
| - Kudirat Initiative for Democracy
| - Mauritius Export Development and Investment Authority
[personal name]
| - Organización Nacional Agraria (Peru)
- Australia. $b Office of National Assessments
- Ushtria Çlirimtare Kombëtare
- Osservatorio nazionale alcol (Italy)
Rap |
Correct term: |0http - Rapid Assessment Program (Conservation International)
- Regional Alliance for Preservation (U.S.)
- Rural Alcoholism Program (Calif.)
- Ramsey Action Programs, Inc. (Ramsey County, Minn.)
- Radikale Arbeiter-Partei Österreichs
- Chuo cha Uongozi wa Maendeleo (Tanzania). Research and Publication Committee
- Toronto and Region Remedial Action Plan
- Swiss Federal Research Station for Animal Production
- Rakhine Agroforestry Project
- Early Learning Resource Unit (South Africa). Rural Areas Project
- Rapid Action Project (Wildlife Trust of India)
- Rally of Afro-American Parents
- FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
- Reading Association of the Philippines
Rice |
| - Regional Centres for the Improvement of Working Conditions and Environment
- Research & Information Centre of Eritrea (London, England)
Sea ( |
| - Silver Eagles Association
- United States. Science and Education Administration
- Seminario de Estudios Aragoneses
- Society for Economic Anthropology (U.S.)
- Science and Engineering Associates
- South East Arts (Association : Kent, England)
- Sociedad Editora Análisis
- Society of Evangelical Agnostics
- Senior Education Associates
- Sociedad Española de Astronomía
- Society for Education in Anesthesia
- Scottish Equestrian Association
- Minneapolis Public Schools. Southeast Alternatives
- Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
- Students for Environmental Awareness (University of Georgia)
- Société des études arméniennes
- Servicios Educativos El Agustino
Edward [600] - Society of Early Americanists
- Sociedad de Escritoras y Escritores de la Argentina
- Software Engineering Australia
- Socialist Educational Association
- Social Economy Agency (Northern Ireland)
- Society for Education through Art
- Western Australia. Secondary Education Authority
- Ships' Editorial Association
- Idārah-i Taḥaffuẓ-i Muḥīṭ-i Zīst-i Afghānistān
- Sustainable Energy Africa
- Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
[600] - Société d'études pour l'audiovisuel
- Sarawak Eurasian Association
Tanz |
| - Tertiary Accord of New Zealand
- Trade Aid (Organisation : N.Z.)
Water |
| - Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual