CMS 2024.2.20
1. Poppy update
Timeline pushed back as we await fixes
2. PCC update
RDA training modules available – we have some options to consider
EMCO & the changing nature of the cooperative cataloging universe
3. Office hours
Nicole & Autumn going to reserve some time each non-CMS Tuesday for your questions
Ensures that no matter how crazy our calendars get, we’ll always be dependably available at these times
4. Other updates
758 fields in OCLC records (and other recent linked data additions you might see)
Autumn can now delete records that we have contributed to OCLC, if needed
Holdings/item locations where item is linked to another instance
Trailing spaces
Duplicate records on import
Other business?
CMS 2024.2.6
Notes: Autumn
1. Poppy update
Poppy installed in Test tenant; results of testing so far:
Lists app working well
Can run lists on a number of different item record fields, plus a limited number of instance record fields
Queries can be built with multiple lines; no “OR” option, though, only “AND”
Offers a preview of query results before running the entire list
Results can be exported to CSV, but limited to a select set of fields
No apparent limit on the number of lists that can be run/stored at any given time
Function to add/delete linkages now available
Links are between one shared item record and the holdings records of the related instances
Viewing and editing these can be confusing! More training to come
Job profile 9XX configurations will be changing
New functionality to create multiple holdings/items for one instance using 9XX field mappings in Data Import
However, this means all values for one holdings/item pair must be in one single MARC field
We will be changing from the 947/948/949 configuration to just the 949 field
Autumn will be testing this thoroughly and helping everyone adjust their constant data accordingly
Possible issue with action profiles
Known issue with Poppy, where the “action profile” component of a job profile might be unlinked from all the job profiles it’s associated with
Catalogers don’t need to grasp all the details of the problem, but just know it could be a factor in when we ultimately move to Poppy
Meeting concluded here; remaining agenda items moved to next meeting’s agenda.
2. Autumn & Nicole office hours
We’re going to reserve some time each non-CMS Tuesday for your questionsEnsures that no matter how crazy our calendars get, we’ll always be dependably available at these times
3. Updates & reminders
Autumn can now delete records that we have contributed to OCLC, if neededHoldings/item locations where item is linked to another instanceTrailing spacesDuplicate records on importUpcoming PCC meeting viewingOther business?
CMS 2024.1.3
This was a brief off-cycle meeting immediately after the holiday break, only on Zoom.
1. New IMCO (Identity management) cooperative program
The PCC is planning a new program to establish URIs for entities, like NACO/SACO but for linked data
This is in very preliminary planning stages, but something we will be paying attention to
2. PCC meeting viewings
PCC’s official meetings used to be limited to in-person attendance, but this year their meetings all allow virtual attendance, and they’ve added some special sessions to their usual calendar
Autumn is setting up group viewings for these meetings for anyone interested; Outlook invitations will be sent with times, locations, and agendas (when that info is available)