Place finished work in a protective covering (a box in addition to the microfilm box) or envelope and placed it on the Remote delivery shelf outside of the mailroom.
Note: Microfilm records with multiple items should have one blank item record that displays to the public, and all other piece-level item records are suppressed. In the blank item records, insert this “f” Staff note, “This item record is used for public display purposes only and should not be used for recording individual microfilm information.” The blank items allow the “Get It!” button for these to lead the patron to a self-service option only. Deliver film to the Hollander MakeCental Service Desk within one business day. Remote items are delivered to CatMan first for processing. Patrons receive an email once the film is here in the building for their use. If not already there, insert this “n” Check-in note: “Suppress new item records.”