Summary: Instructions for cataloging government documents produced by international bodies & countries.
General info
No stickers or stamps are needed for these materials, aside from the gov doc date stamps applied by Acquisitions. Received materials are generally routed as follows:
Monographs → copy cataloging or cat sep shelves
Serials → adds to CatMan (currently Lynn); new titles to a serials cataloger (Loretta Fiacco, Emily Sanford, or Joshua Barton)
Hybrids → gov doc hybrid shelf
All international gov docs are now sent to Remote Storage (though a few exceptions may occur when pieces have a reference location).
Monographs and serials treatment
assign appropriate LC call number
use location rs
unless piece has a special reference location
Hybrids treatment
These are analyzed issues of serial titles, but the usual cross-linking between a main serial bib and monographic bibs for each issue is not performed. Essentially, just catalog like a monograph, but assign the call number as if the piece were a serial analytic. Only old titles are treated this way. New titles are handled as cat seps.
catalog serial issue as monograph
include 490/830 with serial title
assign serial call number
already written on the streamer
add caption numbering to call number
use location rs
unless piece has a special reference location
use the workstat for monographic materials
As of June 2018, international gov docs are cataloged like normal print resources, with just a few extra considerations.
Historically, these materials received red stickers, were sometimes given special call numbers, and were housed in the Main Library on 3 West. These practices are generally obsolete now.
Note that US government documents are handled by a record loading procedure facilitated by Catalog Maintenance, and assigned SUDOC call numbers. Catalogers almost never see US gov docs in their workflows.