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URLS Reported as Broken

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Software and/or materials required

  • Sierra

  • Internet browser

Project summary/background

Sierra has a URL checking function that reports possibly broken links in bib records. It works only for freely-available online resources (not licensed resources).

This project is to: 1) check whether these links are actually broken and 2) replace the broken ones if possible.

Project instructions

  • Open the URLS Reported as Broken spreadsheet

  • Put your initials in the Initials column by some of the names. This will prevent multiple people from editing the same record at the same time.

  • Open the record by searching the bib record # provided.

    • NOTE: If the number has only 8 digits, you must add an a at the end of the number before searching. 9 digit numbers can be searched as is.

  • Scroll down to find the 856 field. The URL will be in $u. Right click on it and select “Open URL.”

    • This will open the URL in your default browser.

  • If the link takes you to the resource described in the bib record, close the record and mark the spreadsheet “not broken” in the Notes/Questions column.

  • If the link does not open or takes you to something that is not the described resource, search for a replacement URL.

    • If the resource title is distinctive, try searching all or part of the title in Google. Don’t bother going past the first page of results.

    • You can also try the Internet Archive Wayback Machine:

      • Enter the broken URL in the Wayback Machine. If you get results, navigate back through past iterations of the website to find a working URL.

  • If you find a replacement URL, delete the broken URL in the bib record (in 856 40 $u) and paste in the replacement URL in the same spot.

  • If you do not find a replacement URL, mark the spreadsheet “not found” in the Notes/Questions column.

  • Rinse & repeat!

Permission to edit bib records

Understanding of copy cataloging rules for electronic resources

Project lead

Lisa Robinson

Please contact this person(s) with questions about project instructions.

Project status

Ongoing as of April 13, 2020

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