Summary: This page details procedures for attached list orders for location 'mn'.

This workflow may be out of date; updates are forthcoming.

Many times when we have an 'attached list' order record, the location is something other than 'mn'. When the items arrive, they are sent to that location and cataloged by someone at that location. Additionally, if an item is needed to be located before being cataloged, theoretically we could go to that location and have someone find it.

However, when an 'attached list' order for location 'mn' arrives, the items could be put in multiple workflows before cataloging and since there isn't a separate record for each title, an item could be essentially lost until cataloged. In order to avoid this, Loretta Fiacco has agreed to be the point person to process these items from an attached list order for location 'mn.'

The method of getting these to her will be a note in the order record. For any 'attached list' order record for destination mn, please put in the note: "Attn. Receiver: after receiving, please give items to Loretta F. for cataloging."

If Loretta does not catalog a particular piece, she will input an individual order record for it so it can be routed to TLOC.

Use of bullet points or a numbered list is recommended for short procedures! Avoid paragraphs and use brief phrases to list each separate action. 

Other useful page elements are available to you in the macros found via the plus button on the command bar. Consider using the "tip" macro or the "note" macro, or the "warning" macro if you want to visually separate an important piece of info in your procedures. The grid button on the command bar is also helpful for easily creating tables.

ContactLisa Smith
UpdatedMay 2018
CreatedFeb 2018


1. Add an email link to your name. Highlight the text of your name, select the linking button on the command bar above, choose "web link" and enter:

2. Place your page in the right hierarchy. Click the page tree icon on the top left, and in the box for "new parent page" enter the name of the existing page that this page should be filed under. For example, any cataloging procedures would have CATALOGING as the parent page. 

3. Add labels to your page by clicking the label icon on the top left. You can see a full list of available labels on the Find by label page.