ROVI Indirect Band Names
Email your supervisor to sign up for this project!
Staff needed for project: any
Staff currently working on project: Cathy Illman
Software and/or materials required
Internet browser to open Google Docs
Project summary/background
When the ROVI Phase III records were created, every band or musical group name was entered in indirect order, which was not correct for library catalogs. For example, the Rolling Stones appeared as Stones, Rolling in catalog records.
This project is to flip those names back to direct order and add (when appropriate) the qualifier (Musical group).
Project instructions
Open the spreadsheet named ROVI Indirect Band Names list .
The names on this list are being pulled from searches of all the 700 fields in ROVI phase 3 records.
Select some names to work on my typing your initials in the column marked Initials.
This will prevent multiple people from trying to make the same change in the same record at the same time.
Search each name in Sierra as it is written on the spreadsheet (i.e. in indirect order).
Open each bib record found and replace the indirect name with the direct form of name. (i.e. replace “Stones, Rolling” with “Rolling Stones”)
Add the qualifier (Musical group)
There should be a space between the name and the qualifier.
Note: Names highlighted in green do not need a qualifier since they contain a word that already indicates that it is a musical group (e.g. orchestra, choir, banda, grupo, duo, etc.)
Edit the MARC tag as needed.
Musical groups are coded 710 2_
Personal names in direct order are coded 700 0_
Personal names in indirect order are coded 700 1_
When finished, Save the record.
Put an X on the spreadsheet in the column marked Done.
If you have any questions or problems, record them in the spreadsheet in the column marked Questions.
Special note: If you encounter a name in direct order, make sure the MARC tag is 710 2_. If it is not, please change it.
Staff need permission to edit bibliographic records.
Project lead
Lisa Robinson
Please contact Lisa with questions about project instructions.
Project status
Ongoing as of March 16, 2020