ROVI Names with Nicknames

Email your supervisor to sign up for this project!

  • Staff needed for project: any

  • Staff currently working on project: Tina Andrews

Software and/or materials required

  • Sierra

  • Connexion

  • Internet browser

Project summary/background

In the original data from ROVI, some of the musician’s names were entered with nicknames with quotation marks. Somehow, these presence of these quotation marks caused the data extraction method used by ROVI to delete the last two letters of the person’s last name.

This project is to figure out who these musicians are and correct their names using the LC Name Authority File (LCNAF).

Project instructions

  • Permission to edit bib records

  • Ability to search LCNAF in Connexion

Project lead

Lisa Robinson

Please contact this person(s) with questions about project instructions.

Project status

Ongoing as of March 24, 2020