Africana posters

Africana posters

Summary: Procedure covers the steps to be followed in the cataloging of Africana posters. 

  1. Check the Africana Posters Tally spreadsheet to see where to begin numbering.
  2. Search Sierra ILS by title or keyword found on the poster.  If no record is found in Sierra, search in Connexion.  If no record is found there, you will need to create an original record in Connexion.
  3. If the record is found in Sierra or Connexion, check to make sure record matches item in hand.  Pay particular attention to the language values in the MARC fixed and variable fields and spelling of proper names, etc.  If you cannot understand or determine the language, bring the poster up to Jessica Achberger, an Africana Librarian, or email her at achberg2@lib.msu.edu.
  4. See the Constant Data sheet for Africana Posters to help you create an original record. For a good example of a template record, see b81337085 in Sierra.
  5. If there is no text on the poster, mark the MARC Lang fixed field as “zxx”.
  6. Un-suppress all copy records found in Sierra.
  7. Add a |d EEM to the MARC 040 field.
  8. LC call numbers are not required for these posters, but can be added based on cataloger's judgment (MARC field 090). In addition to any LC numbers, add a finding aid number, i.e. MSS 379-001 in MARC field 099. Check the Africana Posters Tally spreadsheet to see where to begin numbering. You will write this number on the back bottom right along right edge so it can be read right-side up and also add it to the Africana Posters Tally spreadsheet.
  9. Keep the posters in order.  
  10. Ensure measurements of poster are correct by measuring the item using a yardstick or tape measure.
  11. Check to make sure publisher, location and date of publication are correct.
  12. Verify all corporate bodies and personal names and check LC Authorities for proper format.
  13. Make sure each field has an 830 field, like this: 830_0 Africana posters collection. |5 MiEM
  14. If the poster was donated by professor David Wiley, make a 590 and 700 note in the record (his authority record is n81150242 in Connexion).
  15. If there are no 650s, 651s, 610s, etc., present, use ClassWeb to assign subject headings.
  16. If posters are created in Africa, you can add the 655 genre heading: 655_0 Posters, African.
  17. Add a form/genre subheading to 650s if applicable: |v Posters.
  18. Add a form/genre heading 655_7 Posters. |2 lcgft
  19. Make sure that an item record is present for each item.  If a second copy of the item exists, DO NOT create a second item record.  Contact Jessica Achberger for guidance of how to handle duplicates.
  20. Enter your work stat code in the item record and save: ex. cmscopygrphngs
  21. When you are finished with your bib record, write the call number on the back of poster on the left-hand side.
  22. When finished, email or call Kris Baclawski to arrange a time to bring the finished posters down to the SPC stacks. 
ContactNicole Smeltekop
UpdatedMarch 2018
CreatedMarch 2018

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