

Summary: This procedure provides an overview of items to verify and/or add when copy cataloging or deriving a CD-ROM catalog record. It also provides guidance on local policy on how to treat CD-ROMs that accompany print resources, either separately or as a supplement to the print resource.

Supplemental vs. separate record for CD-ROMs accompanying print resources

  1. Decide whether the CD-ROM contains the same content as the print. You may be able to tell from information in the book, or you may need to view the content on the CD-ROM.
    1. If it contains the same text as the print book or serial, catalog it on its own record following steps that follow.
    2. If it contains  only contains extra resources that supplement the print resource, treat it as a supplement (see procedures on supplemental materials)
    3. If it contains the same text, plus extra resources that supplement the print resource, or if you are not sure, you may give it to the appropriate Cataloging and Metadata Services team member for further evaluation.
  2. If the CD-ROM requires its own record, search OCLC for matching CD-ROM copy. If found, use it. If no copy for the CD-ROM is found, you will derive a new record from the record for the matching print resource.
  3. In OCLC, derive a new master record for the CD-ROM from the print record.
  4. Add the following elements to the new master record.
    1. Form in the fixed field = q
    2. 006 for computer file. Type = m ; File = d
    3. 007 for computer file. Usually: c $b o $d c $e g
      1. Check the $: color = c ; black & white = b
      2. Check size of CD-ROM. If 4 3/4 in., $e = g. If 3 1/4 in., do not use the $e
    4. Put ISBN for the print resource in a $z invalid ISBN subfield of the 020 field.
    5. 049 field: QEMI or appropriate branch OCLC location code if resource is headed to a branch.
    6. Use the call number for the print resource, adding CD-ROM to the end (ex. 090 HC253 $b .A47 2003 CD-ROM)
    7. Change the 300 field to reflect the CD-ROM physical description (ex. 1 CD-ROM : $b color ; $c 4 3/4 in)
    8. CMC fields 336 $a text, 337 $a computer, 338 $a computer disc 
    9. 530 additional format note (ex. Also issued in print, PDF version of print book, etc.)
    10. 538 system requirements note, using whatever is on the container, or insert, or in a text file on the CD-ROM, following the pattern machine; operating system; software; other (ex. Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher (included on disc); CD-ROM drive)
    11. Add a 588 source of title note (ex.Title from title page of pdf file, Title from disc label, etc.)
    12. Use the appropriate work stat for CD-ROMs 
  5. Add a 530 to the print resource's record with the note: Also issued on CD-ROM.
  6. If print resource is in Main, Oversize, Reference, or Thesis, the CD-ROM will go to the Digital Media Center and receive the location dm and an 049 of QEMI. If the print resource goes to a branch, the CD-ROM also goes to that branch with the appropriate location and 049. If the destination is Gov. Docs and the piece has an LC call number, use the location DMC-GD on the sticky note (Bib location and item record will say gd.)
  7. Stamp or write the location on a sticky note. Write the call number in pencil below and place it securely on the piece. 
  8. Place cataloged CD-ROM on the non-print labeling shelf in Catalog Maintenance.

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CD-ROM cataloging checklist (AACR2 rules)

Fixed fields

  • Form: q is now the code for direct (physical) electronic resources such as CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs, flash drives, etc. The older code, s , is still acceptable in copy for all electronic resources.

  • Lang: same as for all other formats. Code for the language of the data and/or user interface (e.g., textual displays), not the programming language

  • Dat tp: verify accuracy. Correct, if necessary.

  • Dates: verify accuracy. Correct, if necessary

  • 006 field: if there is no 006 for computer file information, add the appropriate information to the record. The first code will always be m for machine-readable computer file. (Consult Bibliographic Formats and Standards for codes). Example: 006 [m d ] 1st code : m=computer file, 2nd code: d=document (primarily text)
  • 007 field: Add the 007, if not present. (Consult Bibliographic Formats and Standards for codes.) If the 007 exists in copy, accept it. Typical 007 = 007 c $b o $d c $e g
    |a = c (computer file)
    |b = o (optical disc)
    |d = c (color) or b (black and white) (See Bib Formats for other codes)
    |e = g (4 3/4 in.) (See Bib Formats for other codes)

Variable fields

  • 049 QEMI for the MSUL Digital Media Center – or appropriate branch OCLC location code if resource is headed to a branch.

  • 090: Use a full LC call number. As of April 2003, add CD-ROM as the final line of the base call number, above any volume information (ex. 090 HC253 $b .A47 2003 CD-ROM)

  • 1xx: verify. Do any necessary authority searching or authority work

  • 245: verify. The entire resource, including the surface or label of the CD-ROM itself, serves as the chief source of information. Include a 588 note indicating from where the title was taken (see below).

  • 250: verify accuracy of version statement, if any, or supply if necessary.

  • 256: file characteristics field. No longer used; delete if found on copy.

  • 264: verify and edit as necessary
  • 300: edit as necessary so that the number of physical pieces and other characteristics match received items in package. The first subfield ($a) contains the number of CD-ROMs. (Older records may use 'computer optical discs' (which is acceptable) or 'computer laser optical discs' (delete 'laser'.) The second subfield ($b) is primarily used to indicate whether the item has color or sound. The third subfield ($c) indicates the size of the disk in inches. The fourth subfield ($e) includes any other accompanying items in the package (ex. $e 1 operator's manual).  Accompanying printed material does not have to have any additional physical description. Do not add additional physical description for accompanying printed material. But if the additional information is already there, verify accuracy and edit if necessary.

  • 490/830 Series information. Verify accuracy and do any necessary editing and authority work. If only occasional items in the series are being issued on CD-ROM, use the series form for the print. If the entire series is being issued on CD-ROM, it should be set up with(CD-ROM) as the qualifier. (ex. 830 0 U.S. Geological Survey open-file report (CD-ROM))

  • 505: Contents note. If present, verify accuracy, editing if necessary. If not present, add if it appears useful. Abbreviations can be used in the 505. They should be limited to about 5 characters. Common terms used are Man. and Guide. The basic principal is to try to use the terms the publisher uses. (ex. 505 0 [Disc 1]. Program disc (cd-rom) -- [Disk 2]. Installation disk (3 1/4 in.))

  • 520: summary note. Accept if on copy. Add if it seems helpful in explaining the contents of the CD-ROM.

  • 530: other Format note. Use if appropriate. (ex. PDF verson of print text (xix, 503 p.), plus a full-text search engine).

  • 538: a systems requirements note is required. This is a repeatable field. If a record has no 538, add one. There is no need to add more than one note, but if the CD-ROM is usable on different types of computers (e.g., IBM and Mac) you may add a second 538. The typical construction of this field is: computer make and model; memory needed; operating software needed; other. (ex. 538 System requirements: IBM pc, xt, at or compatible; 256k; DOS 2.0 or higher; Adobe Acrobat reader; CD-ROM drive; graphics display card; printer

  • 588: Title Source note is required. Add if not present (ex. 500 Title from disc label).
  • 6xx: accept subjects assigned on copy. Specific subject subdivisions such as "Software" are no longer used merely to reflect that the title is software, so the subjects will look the same as for a print piece.

  • 753: technical Details Field. Accept if present, but do not add.

  • 949: consult the work stat procedure for the appropriate work stat construction for CD-ROMs. Always include the number of CD-ROMs at the end of the work stat.

Physical processing

  • If print resource is in Main, Oversize, Reference, or Thesis, the CD-ROM will go to the Digital Media Center and receive the location dm and an 049 of QEMI. If the print resource goes to a branch, the CD-ROM also goes to that branch with the appropriate location and 049. If the destination is Gov. Docs and the piece has an LC call number, use the location DMC-GD on the sticky note (Bib location and item record will say gd.)
  • Stamp or write the location on a sticky note and then write the call number in pencil below. Place the note(s) securely on the piece(s) and tie all CD-ROMs together as appropriate. If the location is Gov Docs and the piece has an LC call number, the location on the note should be DMC-GD. 
  • The call number is written for labels on non-print as it would be on print resources. The resource word CD-ROM is added to the end but comes before item level information such as volume number 
    • LB
      v. 1
  • Accompanying print material receives the same call number with and additional resource word. Try to use the same term used in the 300 field, or an abbreviation of that term. Sometimes the call number of the manual can be printed either on the verso of the title page or the verso of the cover, the same as a regular book. However, sometimes a yellow post-it note has to be used.

    • LB
      Guide 1
  • Accompanying hardware does not get labeled. Send it to processing with the piece. Any registration or warranty cards also should be sent with piece.

  • Place cataloged CD-ROM on the non-print labeling shelf in Catalog Maintenance.

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  • MSU Libraries policy is that any CD-ROM which contains the same content as a print monograph will be cataloged on its own record. Often the CD-ROM is packaged with the book, and it may be marked with a supplementary material flag by Acquisitions. However, if the CD-ROM contains the same text as the book, it is not really supplementary and needs to be cataloged on its own record.
  • CD-ROMs are cataloged in whatever format is appropriate for their content -- text (type a), maps (type e), etc. Older titles may still be found cataloged in the Electronic Resource format (type m) even though they should be in another format. This is acceptable for copy, but not for original.

ContactJoshua Barton or Autumn Faulkner
UpdatedMarch 2018
CreatedMarch 2018

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