Faculty Book Collection
MSU TechServices
Cataloging Maintenance (Unlicensed)
Summary: Procedure contains workflow information on the identification, selection, and cataloging of items for the Selma and Stanley Hollander Faculty Book Collection (FBC), a collection of distinction at MSU Libraries. See also procedures on Faculty Books Collection ordering/receiving and Processing Faculty Books (obsolete).
Workflow map
Identification of faculty titles for FBC
Although there is no single strategy for identification of all faculty titles published in a given calendar year, all of the following may be employed to find titles and confirm MSU institutional affiliation:
- MSU faculty, retired faculty, College of Law and academic staff lists available upon request from university human resources. These lists are updated with new hires in July/August and are systematically searched against bibliographic databases for selection and order information.
See "Bibliographic Support searching" below.
- Recommendations from subject bibliographers.
The Music Librarian conducts a more intensive research and identification process for music faculty, as detailed below in "Music resources."
- Notifications from approval plan profiles such as GOBI and Rittenhouse.
- Unsolicited gift shelves, as reviewed by subject bibliographers and acquisitions staff. Brief bibliographic records will be input for gifts selected.
- MSU Press gifts
- Publishers’ websites
- MSU “People” directory online for institutional affiliation
- MSU college, university, program and other webpages
- Current faculty and staff CV
- Any searchable repositories for faculty scholarship and productivity that contain institutional affiliation and monographic titles. [Caveat: many available repositories such as MSU Scholars (Scopus) http://scholars.opb.msu.edu/ primarily include journal articles and grants outside the FBC scope.]
- Requests from the director of libraries to college deans, program directors and other academic administrators for information on any current publications by faculty in their units.
Bibliographic Support searching
These procedures are written for Bibliographic Support students searching the MSU faculty lists mentioned above.
Step 1 – working from the list
Start with the uppermost sheet in the “Faculty Book List to be Searched” basket. (Generally, start with the lists of active faculty, and then move on to new faculty, retired faculty, College of Law faculty, and any other provided lists in whatever order you're given that year based on various priorities.)
Step 2 – searching Sierra
Search each name, beginning in Sierra. We are only interested in recent publications, so you will set Sierra to only return records published recently or to be published soon. To do this:
- Click on the “+” button to the left of the “Search” button by the query field near the top of your open Sierra session window. This should open a dialogue box titled “Limit.”
- The first line in the dialogue box should read “YEAR of publication,” followed by two boxes in which you can enter the first and last years of the time frame you want searched. In the first box, enter the year that comes before the year when the reception in question is to be held. In the second box, enter the year after the year when the reception is to be held. (For instance, if you were searching for the April 2012 reception, you would enter 2011 in the first box and 2013 in the second box.)
- Check the box at the bottom of the dialogue box that reads, “Apply limit to all searches,” so that you won’t have to manually limit every name you search individually. (This will reset itself when you close Sierra so that the next time you log on you don’t have to worry about removing the limit. If you change tasks without closing Sierra, though, don’t forget to return to the “Limit” dialogue box and remove it before trying to do other kinds of searching.)
- Click “Apply.”
Enter the faculty member’s name using the “Author” search. Enter the last name first. (You do not need to worry about capitalization or putting a comma between last and first names.) It is not unusual for the Sierra searches to return no results. If you have any results, check to see if the work’s topic could be related in any way to the faculty member’s subject area. If it possibly could be (err on the side of caution), make a print-out of the bibliographic record, highlight the publication year in the 260 or 264 field and the relevant author’s name in the 100, 700, or 245 field, and paperclip the record to the page of the faculty book list that you are working on.
Step 3 – searching WorldCat
Search each name in WorldCat. Again, you want to limit your search to items recently published or soon to be published. To do this, enter the same years you used in your Sierra search into the “Year” box, separated by a hyphen.
Limit your search to connected author names. Enter the author’s last name followed by w1 and their first name in the top “Search for:” box and use the dropdown menu to indicate that you want to run an “Author” search. (The w1 tells the search engine that you want only those results in which the search terms occur within one word of each other, with the second term occurring after the first. Without the w1 the search engine will return records in which either name appears anywhere in any author field, regardless of whether they occur as part of the same name or not. This yields sometimes hundreds of irrelevant results. We definitely do not want that!) Click search.
You can expect the number of results to be much higher in WorldCat than it was in Sierra. The search results will be separated into tabs based on the format of the material. Ignore “Article" and "Archival Material" results. Look at "Audio Recordings" only if the faculty member is from music or theater.
Check the results for matches beginning by clicking on the first result and then clicking the “Next” arrow so that you can view each record quickly without unnecessary navigation back and forth. Look at the author names displayed beneath the title. If any are a match to the faculty member’s name, look at the topic of the work that the record describes and see if it is in any way related to the faculty member’s subject area. If there is any possibility that it is related and if you did not already find a record for that title in your Sierra search, print the record out, highlight the publication year and the relevant author’s name, and paperclip it to the page of the faculty book list that you are working on.
Possible extra steps for searching OCLC:
If there are more than 60 results, you can manipulate the search parameters to eliminate irrelevant results. First, try using the search type drop-down menu to the right of the search box in OCLC to switch to an “Author Phrase” search. (Make sure that you have entered the last name first as it would be displayed in a bibliographic record for this type of search.) This will eliminate records in which both the first and last name of the faculty member occur separately rather than together.
Determining the faculty member’s middle initial can also help. To do this:
- Access the msu.edu front page and click on “Find People” (currently located near the upper right-hand corner, beneath the search box and menu bar). Enter the faculty member’s first and last name in the search boxes. Click search and then on the “Faculty/Staff” filter button to limit your search to MSU employees.
- If there is a match, check to make sure that the individual’s employee type reads faculty, not staff and that the unit they are attached to matches the one displayed in the faculty book list.
If this yields a single, clear result with a middle initial, you can use this middle initial to eliminate results from an “Author” search as you look through them. If you have had to move on to an “Author Phrase” search, after you look through the results from searching the name without the middle initial, search with the middle initial, as well, as that will change the search results. Please DO NOT write the middle initial on the page of the faculty book list itself and do not rely too heavily on them since there is a potential margin for error using the MSU People Search.
Step 4 – recording search activity
After you have searched a name in Sierra and OCLC, mark the faculty book list page to the left of the name with either a check mark if there are any printouts for the name or with a slashed zero if there are not. Move on to the next name.
When you have completed searching a page, put it along with any printouts paper-clipped to it, in the “Faculty Book List Searched” basket.
Music resources
The Music Librarian asks music faculty to keep her/him apprised of any publication, recording, etc., and makes that request several times a year, especially in the fall, sending one last request in January. It is requested that item notification be sent to the Music Librarian.
Works collected for FBC include scores, recordings (CD/DVD), and books. Octavo scores or participation in a large ensemble (orchestra, band, etc.) are not included in the FBC unless the faculty member is a featured soloist or conductor, etc. The work must be commercially available. As with other fields of study, editors are accepted but authors of an article/chapter are not. Internet publications are currently not collected (but that may be subject to change). Occasionally works of emeritus faculty are collected as well, if published/recorded during the year. As with other areas, if an individual published/recorded something before appointed at MSU, the Music Library will try to obtain it but will not include it in FBC.
The Music Librarian maintains a list throughout the year and submits that to the FBC researcher in January, with any updates in February. Submissions are in the form of last name, first name, college, title of work, indication of format if need be (score, score and parts, DVD, CD) and publisher/date. If anyone is missed in one year, or the material is published on the cusp of a change from one year to the next, the Music Librarian lets the faculty member know that they’ll be honored the following year.
On an ongoing basis, the FBC Researcher presents the FBC Bibliographer with a list of possible candidates. The FBC Bibliographer determines which titles to order, the number of copies, and the reception year each title should be associated with, and handles other special considerations as detailed below. Items are ordered after this initial verification. Received items are passed through a further review before being sent to cataloging.
- One circulating print copy of a new faculty book title is ordered for the Faculty Book Collection (dv) on the FACMO fund as selected by the FBC bibliographer. A second copy may be ordered or received on approval for a different location and fund at the discretion of a subject bibliographer.
- If a print book is in its third or more edition, one copy will be ordered on the FACMO fund and placed in the Faculty Book Collection at the discretion of the FBC bibliographer.
- If an electronic copy of a faculty book is included in an e-book package, one print copy, if available, will be ordered on the FACMO fund and placed in the Faculty Book Collection.
- E-books by faculty not provided in an e-book package for which no print equivalent exists (“born digital”) may be selected at the discretion of the FBC and subject bibliographers when cost, licensing and online access conditions are favorable.
- When no print format alternative is available, a local note will be displayed in the e-book cataloging record, “MSU Stanley C. and Selma D. Hollander Faculty Book Collection,” along with other coding necessary for the FBC identification of the title.
- All orders of $300 or more must be approved by the FBC bibliographer.
- Edited conference proceedings in series may be selected and cataloged monographically.
- Special issues of journal volumes edited by MSU faculty may be selected and cataloged individually under the special issue title at the discretion of the FBC bibliographer.
- Reprints, including reprints in alternative formats, are not ordered on the FACMO fund, even when an original copy is not available in the Faculty Book Collection.
Final verification
Once the books arrive, the FBC Bibliographer reviews each one individually to verify the title and MSU faculty involvement. Once the books receive this approval, they are moved into the cataloging workflow.
Cataloging FBC materials
All FBC items receive special cataloging treatment, including a local collection note in the bibliographic record and a staff note in the item record concerning the associated reception year. Once cataloged, items receive special RUSH processing and are sent to the FBC shelves.
General considerations
- Processing
- Call numbers
- Paperbacks – back of title page, middle of the page
- Hard bound with NO jacket – upper left corner of the inside hard cover
- Hard bound WITH jacket – upper left corner of the cover AND on the verso of the first fly leaf, upper left corner.
- Keep book jackets on book
- Retain FBC streamer in book
- Cataloging printouts
- Highlight FBC information and write "FBC" prominently in top left corner with reception year
- Give printouts to FBC Researcher
- Deliver cataloged books to the "Faculty Book Collection" shelf in CatMan
- Call numbers
- Special exceptions
- Items given original cataloging are currently returned to FBC copy cataloger for final record printouts and processing
- Items destined for Special Collections should not be written in or stamped
- FBC items may be needed for course reserves. If this is the case, catalog as usual, then contact Course reserves to initiate temporary relocation of the piece to reserves.
- Pieces that measure to fit the oversize collection parameters should be processed for the Oversize Collection (see Procedure 4)
- check with CatMan concerning items close to acceptable size--they might still fit in FBC shelves, which have slightly more height room than normal shelving
- E-books:
- Faculty books have always had an “f” in the item record ICode2 field, which helps us identify faculty books that may not be shelved in the “dv” Faculty Book Collection area. Electronic books usually have an “e” in the item record ICode2 field. However, because it does not disrupt public display, and because electronic books have a number of other places that identify the record as electronic, FBC e-books can be given the item record ICODE2 “f” (in addition to the usual 590 note in the bib record and the reception year note in the item record).
Checking the shelves
- Check “Faculty Book Collection” shelf daily for FBC items that have been “signed off” by the FBC Researcher or Bibliographer. If a book is ready to be cataloged the blue FACULTY BOOK COLL. slip will be entirely filled out, indicating locating, reception year and faculty names/affiliations.
- This shelf is currently located opposite of Judy Redding’s workspace.
- The reason you need to keep checking is the books will live there UNTIL someone signs off on them, therefore, just because they’re sitting on the shelves does NOT mean they are ready to be cataloged.
- Due to the time sensitive nature of this collection, this should be considered priority cataloging.
Add copy
- Assign the next-available copy number, but if you have multiple copies in-hand, the preference is to make the FBC piece = copy 1.
- Make the following changes to the BIB record:
- Location = multi (add “dv”) location
- Add 590 "n" note field to bib record:
590 ## MSU Stanley C. and Selma D. Hollander Faculty Book Collection
- Make the following changes to the new ITEM record:
- Create new item record for add-copy piece
- Be sure copy number is correct
- <insert> field “f” (staff note) to read <YEAR> needed for FBC reception
example: 2016 needed for FBC reception - Add temporary line in the item record and transcribe the information on the blue streamer. Sometimes the streamer will include multiple names and/or departmental information as well. Include all information listed.
- Make the following changes to all other MSU-location ITEM records:
- Delete the temporary line in the item record that included all the blue slip information.
- Make a printout of the record to give to FBC Researcher.
- Delete the temporary line in the item record that included all the blue slip information.
Add copy to a shared bib record
FBC items that duplicate holdings in either the Library of Michigan or the College of Law are NOT considered traditional add-copy items. Therefore, the following procedures should be followed.
- Make the following changes to the BIB record:
- Location = multi (add “dv”) location
- Add 590 "n" note field to bib record:
590 ## MSU Stanley C. and Selma D. Hollander Faculty Book Collection
- Make the following changes to the ITEM record:
- Create new item for add-copy piece
- Make the FBC item Copy 1
- remember, it's not a traditional add, so it's ok to have a Copy 1 at Library of Michigan and a Copy 1 at MSU
- <insert> field “f” (staff note) to read <YEAR> needed for FBC reception
example: 2016 needed for FBC reception - Add temporary line in the item record and transcribe the information on the blue streamer. Sometimes the streamer will include multiple names and/or departmental information as well. Include all information listed.
example: CATALOG FOR DV – NEEDED FOR RECEPTION IN 2016 – FACULTY NAME = JONES, MARVIN / SMITH, HENRY (DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH) - If the call number needs to be different from the main bib record, include that information in the item record
- <insert field> "c" (call number)
- type call number including delimiters, but not copy numbers
- Make a printout of the record to give to FBC Researcher.
- Delete the temporary line in the item record that included all the blue slip information.
Copy or original cataloging
049 field = EEMR
949 field (item record) location = dv
- After exporting, make the following changes to the BIB record:
- Bib location = dv
- 049 field = EEMR
- Add 590 "n" note field to bib record:
590 ## MSU Stanley C. and Selma D. Hollander Faculty Book Collection
- After exporting, make the following changes to the ITEM record:
- <insert> field “f” (staff note) to read <YEAR> needed for FBC reception
example: 2016 needed for FBC reception - Add temporary line in the item record and transcribe the information on the blue streamer. Sometimes the streamer will include multiple names and/or departmental information as well. Include all information listed.
- Make sure the location in the item record = dv
- Make a printout of the record to give to FBC Researcher.
- Delete the temporary line in the item record that included all the blue slip information.
Items identified as FBC but to be shelved in a non-FBC location (branches, etc.)
- After exporting, make the following changes to the BIB record:
- Add 590 "n" note field to bib record:
- 590 ## MSU Stanley C. and Selma D. Hollander Faculty Book Collection
- After exporting, make the following changes to the ITEM record:
- <insert> field “f” (staff note) to read <YEAR> needed for FBC reception
example: 2016 needed for FBC reception - Add temporary line in the item record and transcribe the information on the blue streamer. Sometimes the streamer will include multiple names and/or departmental information as well. Include all information listed.
- Make a printout of the record to give to FBC Researcher.
- Delete the temporary line in the item record that included all the blue slip information.
- Stamp FBC items that are going to non-FBC locations with the stamp that says “Previously Shelved in Faculty Book Collection”
Reception preparation
The FBC Researcher maintains a running list of selected titles and updates each item's progress as it is verified and cataloged. When the time comes to generate invitations to and a program for the Faculty Book Reception, this list is used as the main source of title info and MSU faculty biographical information. The Researcher, the Main Office, the Print Office collaborate in a final review for accuracy of all titles and invited faculty members, as well as the creation, revision, and production of the invitations and program booklet.
- The Selma and Stanley Hollander Faculty Book Collection (FBC) was established in 1998 to recognize and honor the impressive body of scholarly and creative work produced by MSU faculty, emeriti faculty, and staff each year. The collection includes books, musical scores, and multimedia works which were authored, edited, or translated by MSU faculty, as well as recordings of musical performances.
- Whenever possible, two copies of each work are acquired, with one copy placed in the Main Library or appropriate branch library, and the other copy in the Selma and Stanley Hollander Faculty Book Collection located in the Main Library, west wing, adjacent to the Director's office. Both copies are available for circulation.
Contact | Autumn Faulkner |
Team | CMS |
Updated | April 2018 |
Created | July 2015 |