New cataloger training
- MSU TechServices
Summary: Resources for training a new copy or original cataloger in the basics of descriptive work.
Suggested training progression & resources
TS employee basics
Some of this will overlap with the HR orientation checklist, but this makes sure TS-specific info is also included.
- tour of the building & introductions
- keys and entrances and library hours
- units within Tech Services and their purpose
- tour of the TS area
- CMS meetings
- larger library organization
- intranet and staff directory
- safety info
- sysdoc, facilities, supplies, ergo
- any computer training needed? Office Suite, etc.?
- send out introductory email
- a review of the annual evaluation process
- time tracking
- leave --> EBS
- hours worked --> SMART system (for CTs only)
- University policies
- other HR checklist stuff
Cataloging theory and practice overview
- principles
- FRBR/LRM --> mapping entities & relationships between them in the bibliographic universe
- neutrality --> historical expectation of catalogers, but much more complex than that
- access --> accommodating different types of searching, online and in person
- types of standards
- descriptive standards
- encoding standards
- controlled vocabularies & authority control
- classification
- cooperative cataloging & shared records
- library database software
- distinction between copy and original cataloging
- local parameters surrounding LA III and LA IV work
- cataloging aids -- cheat sheets, bookmarks, etc.
Cataloging standards in depth
- Organizations that contribute to and maintain cataloging standards & practice
Library of Congress (LC)
not truly a national library, but still viewed as an authoritative body for policy shaping and procedures
- creator of:
- LC classification scheme
- LC subject headings (controlled vocabulary)
- LC genre/form terms (controlled vocabulary)
Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC)
sponsored by LC cataloging division, home to:
Name Authority Cooperative Program (NACO)
- oversees creation and maintenance of name authority records
- Subject Authority Cooperative Program (SACO)
- subject authority records
- BIBCO -- standard for highest-quality bibliographic records
- RDA Steering Committee (RSC)
- international cooperative group maintaining RDA
- host of WorldCat database & creator of Connexion cataloging client
- usually no direct role in shaping cataloging policy, but so many institutions subscribe to their database that OCLC quality control and data practices heavily inform routine cataloging practice
- ongoing work to perform quality control of and programmatic enhancements to records in the WorldCat database
- RDA for copy catalogers
- RDA resources
- Toolkit
- Maxwell
- MARC bibliographic basics (6 min)
- Introduction to MARC tagging (40 min)
- Purpose of controlled vocabs and authority work
- Introduction to LCSH webinar
- Authority control YouTube series
- MARC authority control tutorial
Sierra specifics
- types of records in Sierra
- item
- order
- check-in
- authority
- bib
- diagram of these records and their interactions:
- Sierra settings & preferences
- indexing
- searching
- public catalog display
- Create Lists
Connexion training
- Client overview
- Module 1 - WorldCat, MARC, and Client Basics (1 hr 40 min)
- Module 2 - Basic Bibliographic Searching (1 hr 14 min)
- Module 3 - Basic Editing & Record Processing (1 hr 47 min)
- Module 4 - Save Files, File Management, and Batch Processing (1 hr 18 min)
- can skip batch processing if desired!
- Module 5 - Automation and Customization (1 hr 22 min)
- discuss constant data
- Module 6 - Editing Master Records (1 hr 26 min)
- Module 7 - Advanced Bibliographic Searching (1 hr 49 min)
- Module 8 - Original Cataloging (1 hr 42 min)
- Module 9 - Authority Control (1 hr 25 min)
Connexion practice
- search for records using:
- copycat problem backlog
- shelf-ready problems
- T Locs
- attaching holdings
- 949 strings and exporting
Local practice and workflows
- an overview of how resources travel to and from your desk (blue actions handled by Acquisitions):
- what all those flags mean
- physical processing
- locations & stamping
- writing in call numbers
- CP labeling truck
- RUSH process and shelves
- multipart works and how they're cataloged
- continuing resources (at least a basic overview)
- this position's specific responsibilities & workflows
Recommended bookmarks
General info
- New employee checklist
- Library intranet
- Library organizational chart
- Tech Services organizational chart
- Webmail
- MSUL public catalog
- Connexion client training
- MARC bibliographic fields (or "Bib formats," maintained by OCLC)
- MARC code lists
- ClassWeb
- Cataloger’s Desktop
- OCLC encoding levels
- Cataloging calculator
Helpful MSUL TS procedures for beginners
- Call numbers
- Copy cataloging (general guidelines)
- Location chart
- Post-cataloging processing
- Publication dates for monographs
- RDA record elements
- Same or new manifestation?
- Training & reference materials
- 949 commands
As with all new employees, new catalogers should complete the HR orientation checklist in addition to the cataloging-specific training outlined here.
In particular, new catalogers MUST watch the RVSM training video.
Contact | Joshua Barton or Autumn Faulkner |
Team | CMS |
Updated | August 2018 |
Created | August 2018 |