Processing new books (main)

Processing new books (main)

Summary: New book processing procedures for books designated for main. All books for Main will be placed on Shelf Ready and CP Trucks to be processed by students.

  1. Books will come on two different workflows:
    1. Shelf Ready – Will have property stamp and call number label.
    2. CP Trucks – Books will have handwritten call numbers inside and will need call number labeling.
  2. Piece gets an MSU ownership stamp or sticker if it does not have one.
  3. For CP trucks, pull paperbacks according to the Bindery Prep guidelines for paperbacks and place them on the shelf for paperbacks.
  4. Use a white barcode and a white date due slip for the book.
  5. In Folio:
    1. Bring up an Item Record by “Effective call number (item), normalized”.
    2. Verify title and select it to get to the Instance Record.
    3. In the Instance Record, check “Descriptive data” to verify page numbers under “Physical description”.
    4. Click on the Holdings: MSU Main Library.
    5. Item Records should appear below the Holdings. Click on item that has No barcode.
    6. Go to the “Actions” menu and select “Edit”.
    7. Click in the “Barcode” field and scan barcode.
    8. Click Save and close.
  6. Print call number label if needed:
    1. Scan barcode in SpineOMatic.
    2. Copy and paste call number into NiceLabel Pro software.
    3. Print label.
  7. Check-in books in Folio to change “In Process” status to “Available”.
  8. Check for acidity.
    1. Acidic books should be pulled and placed on Deacidification shelves for Binding Prep.
    2. The remaining books need an infinity symbol stamped on the top of each book.
  9. When finished, place non-acidic books on Central Sorting Shelves.
  10. Give remainder of books to the Catman Student Supervisor to process for New Book Shelves.


ContactPearl Wong
UpdatedMarch 2023
CreatedMarch 2023

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