Processing supplemental print materials

Processing supplemental print materials

Summary: Procedure for processing supplemental print materials.

Instance Record

  1. Bring the record up in FOLIO by the base call number.
  2. Check 300 field in the marc source for a + $e (with what the suppl. piece is, such as, Map, Chart, Suppl. material, etc.) at the end of the 300 fields.
  3. Serial supplements are sometimes cataloged separately, so review the bib record for reference to a supplement(s). Look for a $e in the 300 fields and a related 5xx/515 notes, or a 7XX related record fields that the supplements are on. If there is no mention of suppls., compare the FOLIO record to the OCLC record; if the OCLC record has mention of supplements, copy both the updated descriptive 300 $e information and the related 5XX/515 note into FOLIO.  Consult a serial cataloger for questions or if a new record is needed.
  4. Check for a 500 field note, if there is not one, you will need to add to the MARC bibliographic record:

Accompanied by _________ in pocket at back of book


Accompanied by _________ shelved separately (If the piece is too large for a pocket)

*Modify the note in serials to say: Some issues accompanied with supplements.

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Item Record Main Piece

  1. There should be an item record already created for the main piece. 
  2. Click Edit under the Actions
  3. Add both a check-in and check-out note, and check as Staff only:Screenshot of check-in and check-out note

*Modify this note to fit the pieces, and if there are multiple supplements, change the number to reflect how many there are.

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Item Record(s) for Supplemental Materials

  1. 10 items or less:
    1. Create a new item record for each supplemental piece. 
    2. In the volume field, add description from the 300 MARC field.
    3. Barcode each piece.
  2. More than 10 items:
    1. Supplemental pieces are not barcoded.
    2. Add both a check-in and check-out note to main item, and check as Staff only:check-in and check-out note for supplemental materials

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Physical processing

  1. Write the call number on the upper corner, right or left including what the piece is such as Map, Chart, Suppl., etc.
  2. Place the barcode on the piece near the call number.
  3. Stamp with “Supplementary Material” near the call number. (use the stickers if glossy material)
  4. Place the MSU Libraries ID stamp or sticker on the back, at the bottom.
  5. Add tattle tape and it’s shield in an inconspicuous place.
  6. Stamp the main piece above or below the date due slip or on the inside of the cover using: “Supplementary Material in Back Pocket” or “Supplementary Material Shelved Separately”.

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ContactAnne Erickson
UpdatedMarch 2023
CreatedMarch 2023

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