Moving a location from one FOLIO “Library” to another

Moving a location from one FOLIO “Library” to another

Summary: Locations are created to exist within a FOLIO Tenant but are also divided by a “Campus” (MSU and Library of Michigan).  They can be further divided by what we would have called a “scope” in Sierra.  “Location” exists under a “Library.”

To move a location to a different existing library:

  1. Go to Apps dropdown menu and select Settings > Tenant > Locations and follow prompts:
    1. Institution is ‘Michigan State University-Library of Michigan (MSU-LM)’
    2. Campus is ‘Michigan State University (MSU)’
    3. Library: Select the library location where the location currently resides
    4. Locate and click on the location to be moved
    5. Click on the Action button and then “edit”
    6. At the “Library” Dropdown, select the desired “library”
    7. Edit the “Folio Name” and the “Discovery Name” to match the pattern of other locations in the new library. DO NOT change the location code!
    8. Leave the “Service Points” as is. If it needs to be changed, Circulation will adjust it when you perform step x.
    9. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on “Save and Close.” This will move the location out of the original library into the new one.
    10. Send a group message to all of those listed in step 3 in the procedure above.

To create a new library:

  1. Go to Apps dropdown menu and select Settings > Tenant > Libraries and follow prompts:
    1. Institution is ‘Michigan State University-Library of Michigan (MSU-LM)’
    2. Campus is ‘Michigan State University (MSU)’
    3. Under “Libraries” and to the right, click on the “New” button.
    4. There are two prompts. One to name the library and one to name the code.  Note: we chose to use 5 letter codes with the first three letters “MSU”.  Please look at all of the other codes before assigning the last two letters because as of 4/4/2023, the system will allow you to put in duplicate codes. 
    5. Once the library code is created, it is immediately ready for use and one can either create a new location following that procedure or move an existing fund into the newly created library.


ContactDon Depoorter
UpdatedApril 2023
CreatedApril 2023

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