Load Marc Shipping list Paper and Fiche records
Summary: Shipping lists are weekly MARC records that are loaded into FOLIO. The Library receives the weekly paper and fiche items from the shipping list sheets. Those materials are added to the shipping list records that are eventually overlaid from the monthly paper/fiche records that are received from Marchive.
Record Records on the Excel Spreadsheet
Someone has to load new files into the percon > marcive file from the Customer Service emails.
Find the Excel sheet called "MarciveRecordLoadLog"
Percon drive > Marcive file >
If the new files are listed in the Marcive file, drag them into the "To Load" file.
After the files are loaded, drag them into the Done[year] files.
FOLIO Data Import
No preliminary work or updates are made to the paper and fiche MarcEdit records before running the record file through the job profile in Data Import
Find the percon files > marcive > Load
Before viewing the records in MarcEdit, save the mrk file adding Load to the end of the name. ex. MSTUWP2111Load.mrc
Pull up the mrk records in MarcEdit.
Search one or two titles to make sure they have not already been loaded.
From MarcEdit > File > Compile the mrk file into a mrc file (or click on the Compile file icon ).
In FOLIO – Data Import > Drag and drop the mrc file into the files box.
Select the appropriate Job Profile:
CATMAN1 – Load Marcive shipping list FICHE - new instance, holdings, item
CATMAN2 – Marcive shipping list PRINT – new instance, holdings, item.
Wait for the file to finish loading.
Review the Data Import file log
From MarcEdit Create a list of records in an Excel Spreadsheet
Pull up the records in MarcEditor to create a list of records to verify that the correct records appear in Inventory. In MarcEditor create an Excel list of Shipping list records.
MarcEditor - in MARC edit create the list of records.
Edit > Find > select Percon file > select marcive to open the list of Marchive records.
Type: =500.*Shipping List #.* . > checkmark “Use regular expressions”
A list of records will pop up showing the total number of records listing records individually by shipping list #.
Record the numbers in the Excel file found in the "gd" drive > MarciveRecordLoadLogs
Excel Spreadsheet
In Excel list record the shipping list numbers and then how many records per shipping list #. Each record is listed separately in MarcEditor, so, FOLIO will give you the total records per shipping list #.
Now compare the Instance records in FOLIO Inventory
Search records by shipping list #. 531
FOLIO > Inventory > Select the Date created: from: [2022-07-22] and To: [2022-07-22] > click APPLY. (Fill in both dates even if the dates are the same.)
To get all of the shipping list records loaded in a given day, in the Instance search box type "tmp*" The astrik tells the system to find all tmp records and anything after tmp.
To find records by shipping list # do the following: Inventory > Search ALL > Type the shipping list # “Shipping List # 2021-0067-M”
How to find the Loaded Records in FOLIO Inventory
The first screen capture shows the steps mentioned above that show how to search FOLIO Inventory for records that were just loaded. This search in the first screen capture specifically finds the Shipping List records. These records also have a tmp # that is searchable in the keyword search.
The next screen capture is done in FOLIO/Inventory and is used to find the full bib paper or fiche records that did not match.
In the Statistical code list select the MLlnonmatch - monthly list nonmatch -
Then repeat the same date in the FROM and TO.
Verify the record count and that the records look OK.
If needed upload a CSV file to bring into Excel. See below for instructions to create a csv file.
Create the csv file
From the search that was created using the above search to limit records in FOLIO
Click ACTIONS > select Save Instances UUIDs.
The file is saved in your downloaded files.
The file name will begin with SearchInstanceUUIDs2023-06-21T08_36_13_04_00.csv
Go into Data Export > Drag and drop the file or click to choose file.
Choose Job Profile, CATMAN export entire SRS record.
Select Instance and run
Wait for the file to display as Completed and the total record count matches what is expected.
Click on the report and then Export
Save mrk file and make note where it is saved. Your Desktop is the usual place to save these files.