License Record
License Record on ERM contains information about the database and link to the license agreement. Other important information such as ILL permissions are also recorded there.
Coding for ILL licensing terms (per InterLibrary Services unit)
- No ILL: no ILL is allowed in any form.
- Silent + DATE: when the license is silent on ILL rights. Copyright law will rule in this case. Same scenario as “Fair use”.
- Print, scan, send (PSS): when the article needs to be printed before it can be scanned and sent to the borrowing library.
- Print to file (PTF): the article can be downloaded and sent to the borrowing library.
- Fair use: when the license or the vendor online terms refer to a boilerplate language about fair use. Or when there is no license signed.
- E-book yes: ILL is allowed for loaning the entire e-book.
ILS Policy: When no license is signed or the license is silent on ILL, copyright law and fair use apply. In this case a single article or chapter or up to 10% of the title can be loaned via ILL using the technology of the day.