WorldCat searching for student assistants

WorldCat searching for student assistants

Summary: Instructions for students helping the CMS team to identify possible copy for non-Roman-language materials.

Finding "copy"

Libraries share catalog records between institutions via the WorldCat database. The term "copy cataloging" refers to locating an existing record in the database that matches the resource in hand. A matching or related record is called "copy." You are helping MSUL identify copy for resources that we are unable to search for ourselves (since searching requires language skill). 

A separate catalog record is required for each separate edition of a title. A new edition is a work that has been revised or changed in some substantial way. This is not to be confused with a new printing of a work, which is just a reproduction of an edition.

In searching, your priority is to find a record in WorldCat that matches your exact version of the resource (with the exception of printing dates). If no exact match is found, your next priority is to identify any related copy and record information about the discrepancies between your resource and the copy record that would help a cataloger derive from or update that record.

WorldCat interface options

Students have two options for searching WorldCat:

(1) www.worldcat.org
The public-facing WorldCat catalog.

(2) FirstSearch 
A more advanced search interface available via MSU Libraries subscription (click the link in the catalog record to access).

Record review & notes

Use this Google form to record information for each resource you work on. 

  • Search for matching copy in the WorldCat database.
    • Typically, searching by ISBN is the most expedient. 
    • If this is unavailable, start with a title search.
    • If no results are returned, try more general keyword searching, searching by author, etc. 

  • If no results are found, there are two options, depending on the nature of your project (consult with your supervisor):
    • Mark the resource as having no identifiable copy in the Google form and record only the following:
      • Title 
      • Place of publication
      • Publisher's name
      • Date
      • Multivolume set information
    • OR, complete the entire Google form for the resource.

  • Determining if a record is matching or related copy:

Record elementMatchingRelated
Language of catalog recordEnglishOther
TitleExact transcription from title pageSlight differences
Edition statementExact transcription from somewhere on the resourceAbsent or different
Publication placeExact transcriptionAbsent or different
Publisher nameExact transcriptionAbsent or different
Publication or copyright dateMay have same original copyright date or publication date PLUS a different printing dateMajor differences
Pagination & dimensionsClosely matchesMajor differences (more than a few pages or a couple cm in size)
Associated authors, editors, etc.The primary responsible party appears in the record (sometimes roles like illustrators, writers of introductions, etc., aren't always present – this isn't always an indication that the record isn't a match)Major differences

  • Once matching or related copy is identified:
    • Complete the top portion of the Google form, through "Notes about identified copy"
    • Use the remainder of the form to record any discrepancies as needed (i.e., if you found copy for a related edition, and the only difference is the edition statement and date of publication, use those fields in the form and leave the others blank)

If you're not sure about something, feel free to email autumn@msu.edu with questions at any point!


Selectors are welcome and encouraged to have student workers with language expertise perform some initial searching for copy for resources in non-Roman languages.

This can be done either to create a basis for in-house copy or original cataloging, OR to create a working inventory of and estimate around materials being sent for outsourced cataloging.

Contact autumn@msu.edu with any questions.

ContactAutumn Faulkner
UpdatedMay 2019
CreatedMay 2019