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Shared bib records protocol

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Summary: This protocol applies to bibliographic records shared by any combination of institutions sharing the merged catalog: MSU Libraries, MSU Law Library, MSU Archives, Library of Michigan

  1. Master Records: If the record does not have a CAT DATE in the bibliographic record, any library can attach an order to the record.  The first library to receive their item can overlay that record and catalog the item (first come, first served). Libraries adding items to the record later should treat this initially cataloged record as the “master record.” In general, libraries are not to edit one another’s Master Records. If changes are necessary, do so in consultation with contacts at other libraries attached to the record (see #8).

  2. Suppression Codes: Master Records for serials belonging to LM, Law and Archives should have the SUPPRESSION code ‘r’. LM, Law and Archives checkin records attached to serial bib records (Master or shared) should have scode4 ‘r’.

  3. Call Numbers: A library owning a Master Record will also own the call number in that bib record (050, 090 or 099 preceded by ‘c’ tag). Libraries in need of a different call number must record it in their own item record(s) (and checkin record(s) if a serial). 


    • K call numbers: MSU Law Library will always have the master bibliographic record.
    • Michigan documents: Library of Michigan will always have the master bibliographic record.
    • Newspapers: Library of Michigan will always have the master bibliographic record. [Are Michigan docs and Newspapers correct – LOM owns?]

  4. Local Notes: Notes pertaining to a single library’s item should be recorded in field 590 and begin with an institutional prefix and colon:
    1. MSU Main Library & MSU Archives: MSU:
    2. Law Library: LAW:
    3. Library of Michigan: LM (no colon)

  5. Access Points: 1XX, 6XX, 7XX and 8XX access points will, in general, be constructed according to guidelines in RDA, AACR2, NACO and/or LCSH, as appropriate. New access points are maintained in MSU’s daily headings report, during which errors are corrected and access points in variant form are converted to their established form.

  6. Local Series: Series access points (8XX) may be used for local purposes (local collections, etc.), but should be designated as local-only with $5 and the library’s MARC institution code.
    1. For example: MSU Children's & YA Literature Collection. |5 MiEM

  7. Item and Checkin Record Order: Arrange item and checkin records in this order on shared bib records:
    1. MSU Main Library
    2. MSU Archives
    3. Law Library
    4. Library of Michigan

  8. Accidental Overlays: If you accidentally overlay a record that belonged to another library, contact that library.  Contacts are:
    1. MSU Main Library: Joshua Barton
    2. MSU Archives: Susan O’Brien
    3. Law Library: Brooke Moynihan
    4. Library of Michigan: Tim Watters

  • The first partner to catalog an item normally “owns” the bibliographic record.
  • If other partners need a different call number, they will add it in the item record.
  • Records from partner libraries will be included in MSU catalog scopes if MSU patrons can use the materials.
  • Any electronic resource licensed to the Law Library will be restricted to Law Library users. Therefore the note in the 856 will state: Connect to online resource - Law Library authorized users.

ContactJoshua Barton
TeamTechnical Services
UpdatedApril 2018
CreatedApril 2018

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