Summary: This procedure provides an overview for library selectors in the use of the FOLIO Finance App and Orders App to check funds, view and submit orders, and tips on searching.
Finance App
Checking funds
Once logged into FOLIO, select the Finance App from the black bar at the top of the page.
To check a fund, find the "Search & filter column on the left-hand side of the screen and click on the "Fund" filter. It will turn blue when selected (see image below).
Key in the wanted fund name or code in the search box. Your search results will display to the right of the "Search & Filter" column.
Click on the line of the wanted fund. This will open a third column panel on the right side of the screen (you can resize the panels to make them larger, if you like).
The top section of the new column panel displays the selected fund admin information including, the name, code, and the group to which it belongs (see example in image below).
Scrolling down, under the “Fund information” collapsible accordion is the “Current budget” accordion. This shows the fund details.
Clicking on the grey budget line, will open a “Budget summary” screen with more detailed information on the fund including allocations, transfers, encumbrances, and expenditures. Clicking the x in the upper-right hand corner will close the budget summary.
To view transactions, click the blue “Actions” button in the upper-right hand corner and select “View transactions for current budget” from the dropdown.
You can click on each transactions, to see an “Information” pane. Clicking on the hot-linked “Source” in the information section will open the PO Line details in the FOLIO Orders App.
Once logged into FOLIO, select the Finance App from the black bar at the top of the page.
To look at groups, click on the “Group” filter in the upper left-hand corner in the “Search and filter” panel. Groups were created to match up to the Sierra accounting reports. You can search by fund name or by group name.
It is recommended that selectors look at one-time funds by “New Pubs” group so that the total amounts can be seen together, especially for approval plans.
For example, search the fund “lat” in groups. Click “New Pubs: Latin American & Caribbean.” A “Group information” pane will open, and it contains LATBL, LATMO, and LATNS dollars together in a single pane. You can resize the panel to better see information.
Folio splits orders into two parts: the actual purchase order (PO) and the purchase order line (POL).
A purchase order (PO) may have one or more purchase order lines (POLs). To facilitate redirecting orders and cancellations, Acquisitions has set a policy that firm orders and migrated orders will be placed on individual purchase orders (POs). A shipment of approval books could still be processed on a single purchase order.
When you open the Folio Orders App, the left side panel of the screen contains the search box and filters. The search box allows a person to search for “Orders” (POs) or for “Order Lines” (POLs). Whatever is highlighted in blue is the type of search that will be performed. Dropdown menus allow users to set the search criteria, and filters are available to narrow down searches