Summary: Created for public services colleagues checking titles, holdings, call numbers, and so forth on the reference desk – but will be of use to all non-TS colleagues using the Folio Inventory app to verify catalog information.
General stuff
Understanding the hierarchical structure of instances, holdings, and item records is crucial when using the Inventory app. You can see how these record types relate to each other in our documentation here:
To see a list of keyboard shortcuts available in Inventory, click the Inventory logo in the top left of your screen
The asterisk (*) can be used for left/right truncation and wildcard searches (see below for examples)
Collapse all (ctrl + alt + g) and expand all (ctrl + alt + b) commands are helpful for zeroing in on a specific sections of a record
Searching and viewing instances
The instance record is home to a title's standard identifiers and its universal bibliographic data points (contributors, imprint, subjects, etc.); there is limited local info in the instance aside from gift notes and local series titles
The instance record is generated from an underlying MARC record; for the moment, non-TS users do not have permissions to view this MARC source data, but that will change with the Morning Glory release in October 2022
To search instances, select the "Instance" tab above the Inventory search box
"Keyword" will search standard identifiers like OCLC numbers, ISBNs, UPCs, and so forth, as well as legacy Sierra bib numbers
You can see what Inventory considers to be identifiers by viewing the "Identifiers" section of an instance record
NOTE: Weirdly, the instance HRID (comparable to the Sierra bib number) is not included in the keyword search, but in its own index further down the dropdown list
Choose the "All" index for even more comprehensive results than "Keyword"
Sierra bib numbers
All Inventory instance records for titles that were cataloged in Sierra contain the legacy Sierra bib numbers
Search a Sierra bib number in the "Keyword" search
Be sure to include the preceding period (ex: .b83647292)
OCLC numbers
Search in "Keyword"
Omit any prefix and use an asterisk before the number like so: *107892546
ISBN numbers
Search in "Keyword"
Use an asterisk at the end like so: 9782736183928*
Call numbers
A generic "classification" call number exists in the instance record, but this is not the effective call number that EDS uses
To search instance-level call numbers, ignore "Call number" index, and use "Call number browse" for possibly better results; has been somewhat unreliable but we expect better performance in upcoming releases
You may also have more luck using an asterisk to truncate on the right
See below for more effective searching for call numbers at the item level
Instance record viewing tips
All holdings attached to that instance, and all items attached to those holdings, can be viewed on the instance record screen
Click the holdings record to expand lists of attached items
Note presence or absence of catalog date – this indicates if something is on order or awaiting cataloging
See "Acquisitions" section of the instance record to view the related order record for that title in the Orders app
Searching and viewing holdings
Holdings records are home to the title's permanent location, holdings coverage statements for serial titles, and "Library has" holdings statements for multi-part monographs
The holdings' permanent location info is displayed in the instance view
You must click into the actual holdings record to view the title-level holdings statements
Multiple holdings can be attached to one instance
All holdings records associated with an instance display on the instance record view, including LoM and Law holdings
To view the holdings record itself, click "View holdings"
To view items attached to a holdings record, click the "Holdings: [Location]" entry to expand
This will give you a condensed list of all associated items and their barcodes, copy numbers, and volume numbers (scroll all the way to the right!)
In general, you will have little need to search for elements in holdings records; instance and item records offer the most powerful searches for public services purposes
Searching and viewing items
Item records contain the effective call number and the effective location of a particular copy, as well as copy and volume information for serials, multi-part monographs, analytics, etc.
Permanent locations are set at the holdings level, but the item record inherits this permanent location, and this is what is used for EDS
NOTE: Item records are also home to interim locations, such as Faculty Books, Browsing, Binding, etc. These override the holdings permanent location until removed from the item.
To search items, select the "Item" tab above the Inventory search box
Use the "Barcode" index
Call numbers
Use the "Effective call number (item), normalized" index (the "eye-readable" search is not useful)
NOTE: An item call number or barcode search will pull up an instance record, not an item record; expand holdings to find the highlighted item that your search retrieved
Yes this is super annoying especially for titles with a million holdings and items – we hope for UI improvements here soon!