This builds on demo of new cataloging from July 19 meeting (see below)
Updates to 9XXs:
949$g updated to include call number type; defaults to LC, but if cataloger is using a 099 call number, must include: 949$g Other scheme.
949$b for copy number now defaults to “1” if $b is not included; so this subfield isn’t required in 949 unless you’re creating an item for a copy other than 1.
949$g for item status now defaults to “In process” if $g is not included; items that require other status besides “In process” will need to have a term supplied in $g (e.g. “Restricted” for non-circulating items in Maps or Special Collections).
948$b can include holdings temporary location (used for Browsing and other temporary locations)
Overlay matchpoint is in 947 field; Instance HRID in $c is only working matchpoint at present.
Finding Instance HRID:
Pieces with order streamers will include Folio POL number; search this in the Orders App; follow link in order record to find the associated Instance.
Or, search by title, ISBN, etc. to find the matching Instance directly in Inventory.
Either way, Instance HRID is in the “Administrative data” section of the Instance record and can be copied by clicking the clipboard icon to the right of the number.
Job profiles:
CAT2 in Production will overlay on either a MARC source or Folio source record based on a matching Instance HRID in 947$c.
In Test Tenant, use: CAT overlay on uncat instance, any source – create new HI
Updating MARC vs. updating Folio:
Updated Folio records will show that MARC SRS is created, Instance is updated, and Holdings and Item are created.
Updated MARC records will show that MARC SRS is updated, nothing happens to Instance, and Holdings and Item are created. The Instance record, however, will be updated as changes to MARC SRS flow up to the Instance.
Checking Instance data:
For all overlays, please make sure that Instance values for “Cataloged data” and “Instance status” have been updated with today’s date and the status “Cataloged” respectively. If they are wrong or empty, they will need to be manually updated: use the “Actions” menu and “Edit Instance”
Make sure that any desired 590s from incoming record are present. If not, they must be re-added manually in Quickmarc.
Overlaying without creating Holdings and Item (i.e. overlaying / updating MARC and Instance only)
This can be done by deleting 948 and 949 from record in Connexion before exporting, but keeping 947 with $c for Instance HRID of target record to update.
At present, this will successfully update the MARC and Instance, but Data Import will show an error code because it’s expecting data re: Holdings and Item.
A separate job profile may be created later to avoid these error codes.
Available here: https://mediaspace.msu.edu/media/tMSUL+Cataloging+and+Metadata+Services+Meeting+2022-07-26/1_vhl8d4qa5d18mn38
CMS 2022.07.19