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Version | Old Version 25 | New Version 26 |
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Summary: These procedures detail temporary cataloging workflows for the interim period in which cataloging continues in Sierra while Acquisitions work is done in FOLIO. These workflows will be in effect until cataloging functions are also switched over to FOLIO (expected in December 2021)a general overview of the Folio cataloging process, whether for copy or original. The instructions here are relevant to any workflow in which cataloging of a monographic resource is done (but some of the steps, like adding item records, will be pertinent to serials cataloging as well). More details about Folio-specific processes related to editing and importing records can be found in Bringing single bib records into Inventory and Working with records in Inventory. See also the chart showing how to use holdings and item record fields.
Table of Contents | ||
Overview of changes
- For materials ordered after July 1, 2021, order records will be created by Acq in the FOLIO Orders app (not in Sierra).
- For shelf-ready YBP firm and approval orders created post July 1, 2021, brief order bibs will still be created in Sierra; for all other titles, no brief bib will exist in Sierra.
- The migration of Sierra order records to FOLIO includes anything ordered in the last two years (from July 1, 2019).
- The first round of migrated records contain open orders only.
- Order records migrated to FOLIO will also remain in Sierra.
- Materials ordered after July 1, 2021 can be identified by their order slip: the number will have a dash in it.
Shelf-ready vs. general cataloging
For shelf-ready:
- Acq staff will load bibs into Sierra as usual and enter the Sierra bib number in the matching FOLIO Instance record
- Catalogers should be careful to overlay on the same bib record in Sierra, instead of creating a new Sierra bib and moving order records
- If this isn't possible, enter the new Sierra bib # in the FOLIO Instance as described below
For other materials:
- No brief bib will be brought into Sierra
- Catalogers will export from Connexion without overlaying
Info |
This is true for anything ordered in the last two years. |
Logging into FOLIO
Production tenant
- Nearly all interim work in FOLIO needs to happen in the production tenant
- Login at this URL with the username and password issued to you:
- If you don't have or don't know your username, contact Kay Granskog
Test tenant
- You may be instructed to contribute to testing in our FOLIO test tenant; we are using this only during the interim period for testing purposes.
- Login to the test tenant with the username and password issued to you:
- The test tenant login is distinct from the production tenant login
- If you don't have or don't know your username, contact Kay Granskog
Linking Sierra bibs to FOLIO
For any cataloged title with a FOLIO order record, it is crucial to connect the Sierra bib to the corresponding order and instance records in FOLIO. There are two slightly different methods to accomplish this, depending on the nature of the FOLIO instance record.
1. Determine the type of instance record in FOLIO
Image Removed
2. If Source = MARC
Image Removed
- Add the Sierra bib number like so: $y .b########
- Image Removed
Image Removed
Image Removed
Image Removed
3. If Source = FOLIO
Click the blue Actions menu and choose EditImage Removed
Image Removed
Moving existing Sierra order records
- Once created and linked to a FOLIO instance, FOLIO order records cannot be moved to a different instance
- Rather, if a Sierra order must be moved to a different Sierra bib, catalogers should:
- Copy/paste the bib # from the Sierra bib to which the order was moved
- Enter that bib number into the corresponding instance in FOLIO using the process above
Web cats
Add cats
Add vols, add copies, add locs, & analytics
Info |
- Add vols, add copies, and add locs
- Acq staff will enter the existing Sierra bib # for the title in the newly created FOLIO instance record
- Cataloging work on the Sierra bib and item records can proceed normally; changes to the bib, new item records, etc., will be overlaid on the FOLIO instance record when cataloging migration occurs
- In cases where a new bib record is needed in Sierra, instead of an add, follow the "Moving existing order records in Sierra" steps above
- Analytics on standing order
- Acq staff will create a FOLIO order record for the volume and an instance record for the overarching analyzed title
- Cataloging work in Sierra on the overarching bib and the analyzed volume can proceed as usual
- No follow-up from the cataloger is required regarding the Sierra bib number of the analyzed volume
- Linking between the overarching bib and its analyzed volumes on the FOLIO side will be handled during cataloging migration
- Analytic firm order
- Don't expect this to happen, but if it does, check with Lisa S., Joshua, Autumn, etc.
T Locs
General instructions
Warning |
Record element | How to handle |
Suppression |
Location |
Holdings statements |
URLs |
Call number |
Copy number |
Data Import cataloging
Info |
Involves bringing a .mrc file into the Data Import app. Allows local edits in Connexion to carry over into Folio. Depends on use of 9XX fields to set values in holdings and item records. See these instructions for details on how to set up and facilitate this process. |
In Connexion
- Check for multiple 050s; if more than one exists, delete undesired
- Insert desired 9XX fields to populate holdings and item record fields
- Export as usual
In Data Import
- New instances → use job profile CAT1
- Overlaying on existing Acq instances → job profile CAT2
- Updating instance only → job profile CAT5
- E-resources → [coming soon]
In Inventory
- Unsuppress instance
- Add cat date & status if missing
- Check SRS and holdings – is everything present?
- 590, 86Xs, and 856 (if needed), in MARC
- Instance notes, holdings statements, and holdings electronic access/resource type (if needed) in Folio
Single record import cataloging
Info |
Uses "Import" or "Overlay on source bibliographic record" from within Inventory app. Choose "CAT Single record import + HI." Pulls master record from OCLC and generates generic print holdings and item. See these instructions for details on how to set up and facilitate this process. |
After import
- Edit holdings/item as needed for location, loan rules, status, etc.
- Update workstat in item
- TIP – Avoid manual typing and use the QuickTextPaste program to set up text strings and keyboard shortcuts
- For multi-vol sets, ensure 866/holdings statement are up to date
- Add items as needed for volumes, copies, etc. (see below)
- Check call number – if duplicate 050s created weird formatting, copy paste from OCLC and ensure proper formatting as shown above
Adding holdings/items
Info |
In general, we encourage duplication of existing items when adding copies or volumes, both for expediency for staff and to prevent human error introduced through manual entry (especially as regards the call number). Note that holdings records can also be duplicated if desired, though these are much less time-consuming to create manually. |
General steps for item duplication
- Former identifiers → delete all
- Copy number → adjust as needed
- Call number → replace if needed and check formatting in either case
- Volume → add or adjust if needed
- Item notes → delete all
- Permanent loan type → add or adjust if needed
- Check in/out notes → clear or adjust as needed
- Workstat note → add your workstat or adjust existing (see QuickTextPaste program to set up text strings and keyboard shortcuts)
- Location codes → clear or adjust as needed
- Save and close
- Set status to "In process" or other desired status (Item record view → Actions → Mark as [desired status])
Add copy for a new MSUL location
Applies to any instance record, whether shared with LoM/LAW or not.
- Create new holdings record for the new location (large blue "Add holdings" button in instance view)
- Holdings type → usually "Default"
- Permanent location → desired destination
- Holdings statement → if needed for multivol set, score, supplemental materials, etc.
- Determine correct copy number for your item (check across all MSUL holdings)
- Duplicate last item record on existing holdings record following general instructions
- Close item record view
- In Instance view, Actions → Move items within an instance
- Drag and drop new item onto new holdings record
Add copy to same location
- Determine correct copy number for your item (check across all MSUL holdings)
- Locate correct holdings record for your copy
- Duplicate last existing item on that holdings following general instructions
- Save and close
Add volume to existing set record
- Locate correct instance record
- Update MARC SRS record, either editing in QuickMarc or overlaying the instance only via Data Import
- ISBN for added vol
- 505 contents note → entry for added vol
- 86X fields / holdings statement → update to include added vol
- Duplicate last item record on appropriate holdings following general instructions
- Adjust volume number, of course
Updating an instance only
Note |
Coming soon. |
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