Versions Compared


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Comment: Added a link to the instructions on how to insert endowment links in eHoldings records. Created by Ranti and lme. 1/20/23

Summary: List of notes associated with endowments, gifts, and special recognition funds which often include electronic bookplate links, and which are added to bib and/or item records via monthly CatMan routines. For a list of gift notes applied by catalogers instead of those handled by CatMan routines, see Gift collections & notes.

Table of Contents

Applying the note

  • Once a month, CatMan runs a check on all materials ordered using certain fund codes or belonging to certain collections (see lists below)
  • Identified materials receive the corresponding endowment note
  • Always use the substitution code if available, to prevent typing errors and promote consistency
    • Type MSU: in the 590 fields and then the appropriate substitution phrase code
    • The substitution code will automatically enter the endowment note language


  • In FOLIO go into the Order app.
  • From the left margin type the fund code to pull up records. You can only select one fund code at a time.
  • Scroll down to Date Created, which is below the search box for Fund Codes.
    • Select the from and to create dates
  • Expand the FOLIO screen to see all of the columns. The column showing the fund code is to the far right.
  • Export records
    • drop-down in the Actions menu. Click on Export results CVS.
    • Export Settings leave as it is unless you are narrowing down the info needed.
    • Check computer downloads for the excel spreadsheet to finish the export.
    • Save on desktop and name appropriately.
  • From the excel sheet, update records individually with the 590 and 856 fields.

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FUND CODESUBSTITUTION PHRASE CODEFUND NOTE (590) & 856 e-bookplate Linking Field
andsp%andsLeft Alt+Stud 1

MSU: Purchased with funds provided by Patricia A. Anderson Library Endowment for Children's Books.|u

biaspLeft Alt+Stud 2MSU: Purchased with funds provided by Kathy and Lorrey Bianchi.|u

boyspLeft Alt+Stud 3MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Raymond F. Boyer Library Fund.
brusp%brusLeft Alt+Stud 4MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Tamara Brunnschweiler Geography Library Endowment.|u
bshspLeft Alt+Stud 5MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Thomas Bushell Memorial Fund.|u
c94sp%c94sLeft Alt+Stud 6MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the MSU Class of 1994 Library Endowment Fund.|u
culspnoneLeft Alt+StudMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Thomas W. and Marilyn E. Culpepper Special Collections Fund.|u
MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Maxine A. Eyestone Endowment Fund for the MSU Libraries.|u
MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Force Family Endowment for Popular Culture.|u
MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Evelyn Frost Memorial Cookbook fund.|u

MSU: Purchased with funds provided by Stuart Albert Gallacher Memorial Fund for German literature and folklore.

added 10/13/17 ; still no ebookplate 08/29/22

MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Beatrice V. Grant Endowment Fund.|u
MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Burton L. Gerber and Rosalie P. Gerber Endowment for the MSU Libraries.|u

MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Charles and Marjorie Gliozzo Endowment Fund.|u


MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Stanley C. Hollander and Selma D. Hollander Endowment for Special Collections.|u
MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Dr. E. James and Geri Potchen History of Horticulture Endowment Fund.|u
MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Jackson Towne Memorial Fund.|u
MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Kathleen D. Kennedy Memorial Library Endowment for American and British History and Literature.|u
MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Mirdza Kuze Library Endowment Fund for Baltic Collections.|u

590 __ MSU: Gift of Stephen O. Murray and Keelung Hong.|u

830_0 Stephen O. Murray and Keelung Hong Fund for History of Anthropology and Gay Studies.|5MiEM


y 856 42 |zStephen O. Murray and Keelung Hong Fund for History of Anthropology and Gay Studies.|u

External fund: Murray & Hong

MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the MSU Medical Library Endowment Fund.
No ebookplate - 8/29/22
MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Margaret Wallace Moon Endowment for the Florence G. Wallace Conservation Laboratory.|u
MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Lester and Dorothy Manderscheid Endowment for the Mathematics Library.|u

mrtsp n/a

MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Marilee E. Thomas and Robert C. Thomas Science and Related Subjects Collection.|u

New endowment 4/15/15


MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Joseph A. Potchen Endowment for the Central European History Collection.|u

OK per P. Berg to drop "Collection" from the end of the note in the item record hyper links

MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Library Preservation Endowment Fund.

MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Robert T. Anderson Samaritan Endowment.

No gift plate.

MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Charles and Ruth Schmitter Fencing Collection Endowment Fund.|u
MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Radicalism Collection Endowment Fund in Memory of Beth Shapiro.|u
MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Alan and Shirley Brocker Sliker Library Endowment.|u
MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Special Collections Endowment.
New, waiting for fund code
MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Robert S. and Harriett R. Spira Library Endowment fund
MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Harold and Helen Tolles Endowment.
MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Marvin L. Tomber Endowment for the MSU Mathematics Library.|u
MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Paul and Barbara Trudgen Library Endowment.
MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Kayoko Tsuda-Guy Asian Art Collection Endowment in memory of Gordon and Nina Collison.

|zMSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Kayoko Tsuda-Guy Asian Art Collection Endowment.  |u
MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Maurice and Elayne Crane Vincent Voice Library Endowment.
MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Kim A. Wilcox and Diane Del Buono Endowment for Library Agricultural Collections.

MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Joanne Weil Memorial Fund.


y 856 42 |zPurchased with funds provided by the Joanne Weil Memorial Fund.|u

MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Russell and Laura Whalls Library Endowment Fund.|u (whasp = Whall Endowment)
MSU: Purchased with funds provided by the Russell and Laura Whalls Library Endowment Fund.|u (wmcsp = Whall Mex/Cent Am)

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Collection notes

  • Though these collections are not assigned a fund code, CatMan is still responsible for applying the corresponding notes and/or bookplate links to the item record.
  • The associated gift and series notes, which are usually applied by catalogers, can be used to search for and identify new materials, instead of a fund code.
  • It's also a good idea to check the quality/accuracy of the gift and series notes in the bib and supply any missing fields.

Beard|zMSU: Gift to James B Beard Turfgrass Library Collection.|u __ MSU: Gift to James B Beard Turfgrass Library Collection.
Boyer|zMSU: Cataloging made possible by the Raymond F. Boyer Library Fund.|u

590 __ MSU: Cataloging made possible by the Raymond F. Boyer Library Fund.

830 _0 Raymond F. Boyer Library Collection.|5MiEM


|zMSU: Gift of William D. and Helen M. Chase.|u

Non-chronology materials tied together with a 590 gift note will not be linked to the ebookplate. Added 2/21/17.

590 note: MSU: Gift of William D. and Helen M. Chase.

Books part of the chronology collection have the series field:

830 _0 William D. and Helen M. Chase Collection. |5 MiEM

Dietz|zMSU: Gift of Ronald Dietz.|u __ MSU: Gift of Ronald Dietz.
Faculty Booksnone

590 __ MSU: Stanley C. and Selma D. Hollander Faculty Book Collection.

(June 2014 chg'd name)

Holtzman|zMSU: Gift of Irwin T. and Shirley Holtzman.|u __ MSU: Gift of Irwin T. and Shirley Holtzman. 

830 _0 Irwin T. and Shirley Holtzman Israeli Literature Collection.|5MiEM
Koch, Donald|zMSU: Gift of Donald F. Koch American Philosophy Collection.|u __ MSU: Gift of Donald F. Koch American Philosophy Collection.

830 _0 Donald F. Koch American Philosophy Collection.|5MiEM
Koch, Henry|zMSU: Gift of Henry C. Koch.|u __ MSU: Gift of Henry C. Koch.
Lockwood (Romani)|zMSU: Gift of William G. Lockwood and Yvonne R. Lockwood.|u

590 __ MSU: Gift of William G. Lockwood and Yvonne R. Lockwood. 


590 __ MSU Special Collections copy: Gift of William G. Lockwood and Yvonne R. Lockwood.

830 _0 William G. Lockwood Collection of Romani Ethnology and Gypsy Stereotypes.|5MiEM

Lockwood (Foodways)|zMSU: Gift of William G. Lockwood and Yvonne R. Lockwood.|u __ MSU: Gift of William G. Lockwood and Yvonne R. Lockwood.

830 _0 The William G. Lockwood and Yvonne R. Lockwood Collection of National, Ethnic and Regional Foodways.|5MiEM
McDaniel|zMSU: Gift of Donna Dixon McDaniel.|u __ MSU: Gift of Donna Dixon McDaniel.
Mulholland|zMSU: Gift of Mary Lou Kidd and Frank Mulholland in Memory of Charles W. Mulholland|u,guest&custid=s8364774&groupid=main&profile=eds&direct=true&site=eds-live&bquery=MSU%3A+Gift+Mary+Lou+Kidd+Mulholland+memory+AND+( __ MSU: Gift of Mary Lou Kidd and Frank Mulholland in Memory of Charles W. Mulholland 
Shanghainone 590 __ MSU: Gift of Shanghai Library. 
Staff (retired)|zIn recognition of retiring staff [Staff name] for her service to the MSU Libraries.|u[number]590 __ MSU: In Recognition of retiring staff [person's name; ex. Kriss Ostrom] for her service to the MSU Libraries.
Student (graduated)|zIn recognition of MSU Libraries Student Employee, [student name], Class of [year].|u __ MSU: This book was selected in recognition of MSU Libraries Student Employee, [Name], Class of [year].
WakoskiAn e-book plate will be created 6/6/13590 __ MSU: Gift of Diane Wakoski.
Women's Resource Center No ebookplate. These only have a 590 gift note.

590 __ MSU: Gift of the MSU Women’s Resource Center.  


590 __MSU: G.M.KLINE DIGITAL/MEDIA copy is a gift of the MSU Women’s Resource Center.

Wilensky-Ritzenhein|zMSU: Gift of Stephen P. Wilensky and Mark S. Rizenhein.|u

590 __ MSU: Gift of Stephen P. Wilensky and Mark S. Ritzenhein.

830 _0 Wilensky-Ritzenhein Gay Book Collection|5MiEM

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CatMan is responsible for the addition of these notes to existing bib and/or item records.

Other special gift/series notes may be added by catalogers in separate processes.

Page Properties

ContactLisa English or Don Depoorter
UpdatedMay 2018
CreatedApril 2018