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CMS 2023.07.18
Folio updates
Known issues after Orchid upgrade to Production
Items with analytic / boundwith relationship are supposed to be displaying under all holdings records they are attached to. This is not happening. Was supposed to be new functionality in Orchid.
Holdings records created by duplication (as is often done in add-loc processes) result in corrupted records. Must create holdings records from scratch at the moment for process to be successful. This issue has resulted in the creation of a Jira ticket for the Folio community.
Holdings records with ~350 or more items attached: items will not load to display in Inventory UI. Awaiting a service patch to fix this issue.
Joshua described an earlier service patch rollout, shortly after Orchid was installed, that fixed an issue with holdings records containing more than 200 items not displaying. Installation of that service patch got us up to 350 or so, but also introduced other issues (that were subsequently fixed).
Test tenant had a data refresh to match Production
Test and Production are in sync up to July 16, 2023.
Clarification of VuFind index refresh cycles
Regular search indexes (the generic “catalog” search and other non-browse searches) are updated upon each OAI harvest of Inventory: on the hour and half-hour through each day.
Alphabetical browse indexes are only refreshed nightly.
Please take account of this as your are using alphabetical browse indexes in daily cataloging.
Joshua indicated need to bring feedback to VuFind team that a faster refresh rate for alphabetical indexes would be useful for cataloging.
ALA report outs
Notes from Tim:
Noticing that ALA conference becoming less suited to professional needs; many necessary, useful meetings being held elsewhere or online
Has notes/slides from sessions on DEI in Tech Services and linked data in discovery.
MAGIRT arranged a tour of the Newberry Library; interesting maps in their collection.
NARDAC presentation covered some information from the more recent RDA Communication’s Bulletin. Possible tension at this session may have been smoothed by PCC’s intention to proceed with a three-year rolling implementation of new RDA rather than some hard cutoff.
Potential future ALA scheduling may be done to avoid conflicting with height of Pride Month activities.
Expect forthcoming reports from others:
Autumn attended an RDA Preconference that looked at the new RDA Toolkit.
Info about LC’s intention to experiment with moving away from use of form subdivisions in LCSH, using LCGFT terms instead.
Highlights from RDA Communications Bulletin
Forwarded by Joshua to CMS distribution list from PCC listserv.
PCC timeframe for implementing official RDA will be over three-year rolling period: May 2024 through April 2027.
PCC has been doing work for several years to help guide development of RDA Toolkit (in response to wide concern about its over-abstraction) and wrap it in helper documentation.
PCC doing ongoing testing and evaluation of new RDA Toolkit. Structured testing has taken place, with a preliminary report given in May. More reporting to come in the fall.
PCC Participants Meeting online July 27: update on training for new RDA.
We discussed / wondered about degree to which forthcoming changes are in conceptual matter of RDA vs. changes in the Toolkit itself.
There is some sense that PCC would like to / is trying to guide the structuring of RDA Toolkit guidelines in a way that is useful.
CMS leadership update
Joshua remains head of cataloging until an interim is confirmed.
Open call ended Friday and at least one person expressed interest; formality of an interview would follow. No further details available at the point of this meeting.
CMS 2023.06.20
Still on track for some time the week of June 26
CMS 2023.06.06
Joshua attended an Orchid update session led by Molly Driscoll.
Molly highlighting in passing some differences in search vs. browse behavior in Orhid.
Joshua demonstrated how queries entered under the browse tab in Inventory in Orchid (e.g. for subject or contributor) take you first to a list of results in shelflist order. Selecting a result passes you through to a search function for the exact AAP matching your selected browse result, but clicking on the browse tab again returns you to your browse results. So unlike earlier releases, you can revisit your browse list after selecting a result.
Issues remain re: indexing of ending punctuation in contributor values in the instance. For example, newly created instance records (i.e. derived from a newly imported SRS record) will include the comma preceding $e in the indexing. Legacy, migrated records do not do this. This difference in indexing behavior results in split files when browsing contributor in Inventory.
CMS 2023.05.16