Welcome Nicole! Has been on the job for about two weeks & doing great work
Please send all copy cataloging communication to her going forward
[Post meeting update: Remaining Nicole remains in her 2E Maps Library office, but a landing space in TS is a possibility]
Allyship in Cataloging presentation from Nicole Smeltekop and Eli Landaverde
Slides: Resources: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ud5emENKdVFFSJdpBSSKc6ZxqwcfLPy8wBHfYnTDVVc/edit#slide=id.p
Lisa Robinson
Related to the use of alternative vocabularies, see RBMS Combined Vocabulary (RBMS-CV), which has some useful language among their genre terms for “prejudicial works” and can be applied to any type of materials, not just rare books
Backstage in the process of creating authority records for RBMS-CV terms so we can also have these in Folio
Joshua Barton
There is NACO documentation for contacting creators when working to establish names: https://www.loc.gov/aba/pcc/naco/documents/PCC-SCT-Authority-Control-FAQs-Authors-Creators.pdf
Related Confluence page: Contacting people about their NARs