CMS 2023.11.7 Agenda
Notes: Tim Kiser
New choices for single record import dropdown
extra holdings records may appear on uncataloged stuff
remove holdings/items from any instance marked as delete
remove OCLC holdings!
Cataloging lab (optional, feel free to add your own stuff)
There have been some issues with the EBSCO’s upgrade to Orchid in the test tenant, but they are being resolved.
The production tenant upgrade will occur between June 26 and 30.
Orchid release notes are available on the Folio wiki: https://wiki.folio.org/display/REL/Orchid+%28R1+2023%29+Release+Notes
Three live update sessions are available from EBSCO to see Orchid features demonstrated and have a chance to ask questions. See forwarded email from Joshua sent 5/16.
The search and browse interactions in the inventory app will be split off into separate sections.
The test tenant was shown as an example, with search and browse options separated into different tabs.
Refreshing the test data from production will happen after the production upgrade to Orchid.