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CMS 2023.11.7
Notes: Tim Kiser
MSUL Cataloging & Metadata Services Team Meeting 2023-11-07
New T Loc and new assignment procedure
A few important changes:
One new backlog
T Loc P: Problems
This is for things that have copy, but the copy has issues that an original cataloger can solve
Examples: NACO work; a new set record is needed for a single volume of a set; things that turn up at Remote without a record for some reason
Things that might have formerly languished for a long time in T Loc A will be transferred to T Loc P instead
Rearranged shelves
T Loc H is staying in its longtime location
T Loc A will move to new shelves; T Loc P will also be on new shelves.
A new way to assign a note to a T Loc piece so it can be tracked in FOLIO.
We’ll be using statistical codes in the instance record, similarly to our process for marking instances for deletion
In the instance record, go to actions-->edit instance
Suppress from discovery
Click “Add statistical code” and select one of the T Loc backlogs
Click “Add administrative note” and add a note in the approximate format:
[stat code] [date], for example: H 11-07-2023
The exact note format is not important, this is intended to be human-readable info
Manually remove the stat code and note when the piece is cataloged and removed from T Loc.
Hopefully it will be possible in the future to remove the code and note automatically during overlay
More T Loc notes:
The new procedure will facilitate identifying T Loc materials in FOLIO Inventory, using facets in the search panel
In the past, Kim W. and her students were responsible for T Loc organization. With these changes, some of the T Loc organization process is moving to catalogers.
The trucks we used to use for things going to T Loc are going away; instead you can put things on the T Loc shelves yourself
For titles without an instance record, create a new one (see first bullet under “Sending a title to a T Loc” in the procedure linked above)
Continue working on T Loc H cleanout project as before; we hope not to transfer these items to T Loc A
Autumn will continue refining the T Loc procedures in Confluence
Coming soon: New choices for single record import dropdown
The popup when doing a single record import from Inventory includes a second dropdown for job profiles, which currently has only one option. Additional profiles will be added.
If you have requests for job profiles you’d like to see included in this second dropdown, let Autumn know
extra holdings records may appear on uncataloged stuff
These are errors generated by a past process. They often appear as a suppressed holdings on an uncataloged instance.
For MSUL materials (not Law Library or LM), these holdings can be deleted at the time of cataloging (or you can edit/reuse them if that’s easier).
If not cataloging the piece, leave the suppressed holdings in place for now.
Law Library materials can be referred to Adam DeWitt.
remove holdings/items from any instance marked as delete
When marking instances for deletion in Inventory, remember to remove OCLC holdings if necessary.
Other notes
Meeting note-taking procedural note: No notes need to be taken during the cataloging lab.
Cataloging lab (optional, feel free to add your own stuff)
CMS 2023.10.17
Neil expressed interest in visiting unit & team meetings and has been invited to a future CMS meeting.
Shout-out to Tina Andrews regarding the custom classification project for the Children’s and Young Adult Collection!
Autumn’s new schedule: onsite Monday, Tuesday, and Friday; work-from-home Wednesday & Thursday
And this week, traveling & attending CORE Forum Wed-Fri, 10/18-10/20.
CMS 2023.10.03
Thanks Cathy for sharing this article investigating the use of ChatGPT for creation of MARC records. It prompted an interesting discussion on the Teams chat. Ran out of time to discuss in the meeting but shared here for your perusal!
Autumn is happy to discuss anyone’s thoughts; the Troublesome Catalogers group on Facebook has also had an interesting conversation about it.
CMS 2023.09.19
Lisa Robinson
Related to the use of alternative vocabularies, see RBMS Combined Vocabulary (RBMS-CV), which has some useful language among their genre terms for “prejudicial works” and can be applied to any type of materials, not just rare books
Backstage in the process of creating authority records for RBMS-CV terms so we can also have these in Folio
Joshua Barton
There is NACO documentation for contacting creators when working to establish names:
Related Confluence page: Contacting people about their NARs
CMS 2023.09.05
Library of Congress adopting FOLIO means they will be driving a lot of big performance updates on a condensed timeline
Including big focus on acquisitions functionality, metadata management, and consortial/sharing functionality
They plan to implement in October of 2024
Relevant info from the 18-month road map for FOLIO (see
for details)View file name Roadmap(2).pptx Data Import performance and stabilization a high priority
Including chunking up large files automatically so Data Import doesn’t choke
Search and browse improvements for Inventory
Suppressing and deleting records via Bulk Edit
New apps planned for FOLIO
Lists app – similar in function to Sierra’s Create Lists
Plans to make it possible to use Bulk Edit on record sets created with this app; for now though, it will only collect records based on certain search criteria, and record numbers can be exported to CSV
Expected in Poppy (so January-ish for us)
Workflow engine – automating a set of tasks based on a certain trigger
Ex: when an Instance as marked with statistical code CATMAN--WITHDRAWN, automatically delete holdings and item and add specified administrative note to Instance
Reporting app called MetaDB – some possibilities here, being discussed with Dao, Lucas, and Kay
Reporting has been a significant gap in Folio functionality, so we are looking forward to this
Autumn learned more about how to submit a “bug” in Jira – i.e., report discovered problems in Folio and get them in the queue for software developers to resolve
You can explore for examples of other tickets (use your Folio login)
Lots of confusing terminology here but also lots of rich detail about what’s in the works
Check OLF’s YouTube playlist for WOLFcon 2023 as presentation recordings get added
CMS 2023.08.15
Concerns expressed about what this means for the already lengthy turnaround time on SACO work
CMS 2023.08.01
Though not announced through HR, paperwork is signed today
Handoff of roles is in process; Joshua will be passing along information for continuity
The role is a year long interim appointment through end of July 2024
Joshua discontinuing standing meetings; Autumn will reach out to those who’ve had meetings with Joshua to establish a cadence
An interim head of CopyCat will be found; in meantime, Autumn is still supervising copy catalogers
CMS 2023.07.18
Joshua remains head of cataloging until an interim is confirmed.
Open call ended Friday and at least one person expressed interest; formality of an interview would follow. No further details available at the point of this meeting.
CMS 2023.06.20
Still on track for some time the week of June 26
CMS 2023.06.06
Joshua attended an Orchid update session led by Molly Driscoll.
Molly highlighting in passing some differences in search vs. browse behavior in Orhid.
Joshua demonstrated how queries entered under the browse tab in Inventory in Orchid (e.g. for subject or contributor) take you first to a list of results in shelflist order. Selecting a result passes you through to a search function for the exact AAP matching your selected browse result, but clicking on the browse tab again returns you to your browse results. So unlike earlier releases, you can revisit your browse list after selecting a result.
Issues remain re: indexing of ending punctuation in contributor values in the instance. For example, newly created instance records (i.e. derived from a newly imported SRS record) will include the comma preceding $e in the indexing. Legacy, migrated records do not do this. This difference in indexing behavior results in split files when browsing contributor in Inventory.
CMS 2023.05.16