CMS 2024.2.20
1. Poppy update
Timeline pushed back as we await fixesUpdating Folio Production from Orchid to Poppy is on hold at the moment.
Implementation timeline is pushed back because of issues found by MSUL staff in testing which would severely impede our workflows.
Folio Service patch #2 is in development and promised to fix a lot of the issues identified as a problem by MSUL
MSU Dry-run instance is set to be updated around first of March. MSUL staff will resume testing at that point and we should know more regarding when implementation might happen in Folio Production.
2. PCC update
Many catalogers attended the recent PCC Participant’s Meeting. Presentations there centered on updates around Official RDA and making the PCC more accessible for new participants and on the future of identity management.
RDA training modules available – we have some options to consider
Question (Tim): PCC has a series of webinars scheduled in March re: RDA Official Toolkit. Are we at MSU participating at this time?
Question (Adam): What is Tech Services' official stance on Official RDA and implementing it?
Question (Emily): should we charge a group re: Official RDA
Autumn will explore this further but welcomes any one with interest in the Phase 1 Official RDA webinars to attend.
EMCO & the changing nature of the cooperative cataloging universe
Lots of future conversations to be had around data and the PCC’s role in creating and managing it.
3. Office hours
Nicole & Autumn going to reserve some time each non-CMS Tuesday for your questions
Ensures that no matter how crazy our calendars get, we’ll always be dependably available at these times
758 fields in OCLC records (and other recent linked data additions you might see)
Okay to leave them in and ignore them at the moment
Question (Janet): If it’s okay to leave them in, is it okay to delete them? Autumn prefers we leave them in with the hopes that their inclusion is someday useful.
Autumn can now delete records that we have contributed to OCLC, if needed
Using World Share Record Manager, Autumn has the power to delete records in OCLC, contact her if you have this need.
Holdings/item locations where item is linked to another instance
If/when you are doing work on linked records, we need to make sure that location codes in the item match the holdings
Joshua: originally in the migration plan, older stuff will have a code both in the item and holding. Going forward, we have decided that the location codes go only in the holdings record
Trailing spaces
Be careful of including trailing spaces in your workstats, it can mess up our stats and/or importing function.
Duplicate records on import
When using mrc file to bring into Folio, be sure that you haven’t exported the same MARC record twice (appending multiples of the same MARC record in the same dat file).
Autumn manages this by opening this each time and viewing file to make sure she doesn’t have a double file. Nicole, deletes her mrc file after each import to avoid this problem.
Other business?
CMS 2024.2.6
Notes: Autumn