Table of Contents |
Poppy Dry Run environment available Friday 7/19 (early morning - possibly before we arrive for work).
All testing in Dry Run should be concluded by Tuesday 7/23
If all goes well, we’ll approve and move forward with updating Production.
Service patch 6 has been added to our test environment already. Dry Run environment will have slightly more updated data - they reproduce production to create Dry Run.
Please take some time Friday-Tuesday and play around with Dry Run and let Autumn know if you encounter any issues.
Poppy installed to Production early Friday morning, 7/26 - barring an act of God.
Begin using new 949 on this day
Catalog harvests for VuFind will be paused from 7/26 - 7/29 (watch for more details from Devin Higgins and/or CDAWG)
New procedure for supplemental items in SPC materials - i.e., anything meant to be used with the piece - occludes laid-in materials (bookmark, grocery list, etc.), which we already have a procedure for (ex. Recipe cards). Something that should be included in a 300 field, truly supplemental material.
Include in 300 $e, or use multiple 300s, if important to break out or you have multiple supplemental items.
Include call number with the supplemental piece(s)
When in doubt, consult Head of Cataloging, Tad, or the purchasing selector.
Route to Tad (email) so he can work to get the piece housing (box or folder) while Preservation is swamped with the move.
Change re: cataloged SPC materials needing conservation attention
Starting in August, route these directly to the Conservation Lab instead of placing on the SPC cataloging truck - (a result of the move).
Autumn will follow-up with Conservation to verify where they’d like these SPC materials to go - shelf or cart.
New procedure for ISBNs in set records
We can force VuFind to grab the ISBN for the first volume we hold and display it if we put that ISBN as the first ISBN.
New Tigre and Tigrinya translation numbers in Confluence (thanks Mike!)
New URL for the Cataloging Calculator
Added to Confluence as well
Best Practices for Queer Metadata added to our General cataloging tools page (thanks Emily!)
Metadata for Trans and Gender Diverse Resources also added to the General cataloging tools page.
Updates from the field
Changes to LC’s process for considering SACO proposals
Instead of monthly meetings (in place since 2021), moving to quarterly meetings and limiting their scope
More info here:
Many SACO funnel coordinators voiced concerns over this change
Open letter submitted to LC
PCC Participants meeting this Thursday 7/18
Updates on RDA, SACO, and AI in metadata task force
Interim assignments update - plans to maintain interim assignment for gap we have during search for AD for Collections and Technical Services. Autumn will be communicating out as this evolves.
Question – anyone using the MARC authorities app to consult our authority file?
Joshua uses it to look up local subject headings.
Request from FOLIO governance group and Data Import SIG to create videos of routine work in Inventory, Data Import, etc.
Any volunteers? A yes from Ruth Ann and Cherish. Contact Autumn for more info or to volunteer.
Autumn out Friday 7/19, working remotely 7/22 - 7/26
Feel free to Zoom or Teams chat Autumn with questions, etc.
CMS 2024.5.21
Coming soon.