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05-21-19 (DRAFT)
PCC OpCO meeting report
- See Joshua's slides here for more detail
- RDA Beta Toolkit
- text stabilized as of April 30
- RSC presentations: http://www.rda-rsc.org/node/589
- orientation/training around new Toolkit expected later in 2019
- Aggregates
- manifestations that embody multiple expressions of works
- Diachronic works
- [indefinite?] work intended to be embodied over time
- OCLC updates
- Record Manager (intended Connexion replacement) now has NACO functionality
- OCLC still planning to discontinue some encoding levels (M, J, K, and I) but no timeframe yet
- NACO updates
- inclusion of URIs in 024 fields not currently valid; but a working group is interested in suggestions from catalogers around what types of URIs should be included; specific examples can be sent to them
- acknowledgement of ethical implications of personally identifying information in NARs
- an emerging willingness to back away from including non-necessary information, especially demographic information
- LCSH multiples
- subject strings with placeholders for multiple possible subdivisions are being converted and broken out into all specific valid options
- Example: Bashfulness–Religious aspects–Buddhism, [Christianity,etc.]
- once converted to individual heading strings by LC, use the new heading strong; if the heading string you need isn't established, we must propose it
- subject strings with placeholders for multiple possible subdivisions are being converted and broken out into all specific valid options
- ClassWeb
- new interface coming; hopefully less clicking between menus!
- WikiData workshop
- Joshua made this → https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q63440984
- Going back to 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 3pm
- Change in local treatment of Aliens and Illegal aliens
- These won’t be used in original cataloging
- Report contains recommendation for catalogers: continue use of normal practice, and Backstage processing will make programmatic changes
- This means we aren’t changing practice in WorldCat
- Terms will be recognized by second ind 4
- Two local authority records to support local terms
- We expect at some point LC will implement this change as well, and we will already be in line with the new practice
- Refer to report sent out earlier
- Change to these terms has happened
- EC has approved some further related changes; plans are still in process for this
- The only other lib we know of who has made a similar effort is Bard (Amber Billey)
- Changing the Subject doc being shown at ALA
- ISBD punctuation
- No punctuation changes may be made to already authenticated PCC records
- But non-PCC cataloging should follow conventional practice for now
- PCC recently rolled out plan for discontinuing ISBD punctuation
- Terminal punctuation may now be omitted from descriptive fields in new PCC compliant records
- Let Joshua know if you encounter records missing more than terminal ISBD punctuation — our system can not accommodate these records
- Local policy for those doing PCC work — ok to leave off terminal periods
- 900ish ETDs remaining
- Great progress! Down from 1563