TS Council 02-05-20 (AGENDA)
Present: Joshua, Don, Autumn, Ed, Kay, Ranti, Tim, Emily, Lisa S., Lisa R.
Regrets: Lucas, Nicole, Dao
Approve 1-22-2020 Minutes
Listen to the Ex Libris & Innovative Product Strategy Overview webinar
Exchange Collaboration, May 4,6,8 - still interested?
Exceptional and broadly interesting ALA stories/information?
Action items
Action 1
Action 2
Action 3
Decision 1
Decision 2
Decision 3
Present: Joshua, Don, Autumn, Ed, Dao, Kay, Ranti, Lisa S., Lisa R. (notes)
Regrets: Don D.
Approve minutes from 1-15-2020 - Approved.
Discuss Content of RFP Section B to create a Matrix for the RFP evaluation process. (RFP document sent via email) Which items are highest priority?
What features of a system do we absolutely have to have? What features are highly desirable?
We should at the very least be able to accomplish the tasks we do now, although they don’t have to be done exactly the same way.
We need to evaluate software based on its inherent design, not just its “future development” features.
We discussed a variety of features & functions.
Submit comments to Kay or Joshua or Dao before Jan 31. Tell them which the category (from the RFP) and the deal-breaker and desired features.
Any comments on reorganization chart?
The Dean’s Forum about the reorganization is scheduled for Jan 30.
The forthcoming Steering minutes will have Joe’s responses to questions about the proposed reorganization.
There is a budget for a certain number of new positions (ones marked "vacant" in the reorganization chart). Searches will be held to fill those positions.
Present: Autumn, Ed, Dao, Kay, Ranti (notes), Lisa S., Lisa R.