As part of MSUL’s Return to Operations plan, all TS staff working regular in-building shifts must (1) complete some training and (2) sign a safety commitment.
(1) Complete all of the following
View the recording of 8/19/20 TS staff training (covers some of the required safety instructions; netID sign-in required)
Complete the Environmental Health and Safety return-to-work training.
Review the TS unit plan for reopening
Review the MSU Libraries plan & FAQ for reopening
(2) Copy/paste the language below in an email and send to your supervisor, who will forward to HR (your written name in the email serves as an electronic signature) Review and electronically sign an agreement with language similar to the below. Your supervisor will facilitate this and forward your agreement to be filed with HR.
I have read and understand the Libraries COVID-19 Response Plan. I agree to follow all of the expectations outlined within the guidelines for returning to work. I also agree to review any and all future communications regarding updates of return to work guidelines.
[Name, date]