TS Council
06-08-20 (DRAFT)
Present: Don Depoorter, Joshua Barton, Nicole Smeltekop, Lisa Robinson, Ed Gildner, Ranti Junus, Lisa Smith, Lucas Mak, Dao Gong, Emily Sanford (notes).
Regrets: Autumn Faulkner, Kay Granskog, Tim Kiser
Meeting began at 9:02 am
Return to work documentation
Employee communications templates. Do we choose one or make up our own? What are the templates uses? Answer: seems to be supervisor to team vs. individual team member to supervisor. Where do these forms live after we’ve collected them? HR?
Employee bathrooms - document says bathrooms will be sanitized every hour, but there’s no distinction between staff and public. Hand dryers/automatic paper towel dispensers?
Do staff who aren’t coming into the building need to sign agreement? Or someone who needs to come in occasionally? Answer: Joshua’s read was that everyone has to fill it out, across the board.
Pg. 5 should we be asking staff who cannot medically wear a mask to contact University Health instead of Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities (RCPD). Because it’s a health issue and not a disability? Do we already have agreement with RCPD to send people their way.
Does agreement only go to librarian’s primary supervisor?
The document doesn’t have any provisions for individuals who travel. CDC recommends a 14 day quarantine. Also, if an employee travels to a high-risk area (Florida, Arizona), there’s no provision for that.
Unit training? How do we proceed with that? How do we make people aware?
Face mask cleaning? President Stanley’s email said something about washing masks, should we? What about mask replacements because of the reducing effectiveness of masks.? Some have heard that after 14 washes the fabric masks should be thrown away. Should we give employees new face masks every 14 weeks?
If staff are 6 feet apart, environment will be louder, perhaps in training we should mention this as noise is a perennial issue in TS. Be understanding in these times.
If staff can’t eat in the break room, that implies that they should eat at their desk? That’d be a problem in TS with our materials. What about cubicles?
Serial Solutions coverage load (Ranti)
Report coverage file not finding matching bib. If we can use template to make minimally viable record, do we want to pursue this? All mismatches are serial records. ~30,000 in number.
Brief record generated from coverage load – so that’s why the record is so scant. Don has contacted SS in the past and usually by the next month’s load, they’d have a more full record. But, this is a massive number of bibs.
Dao - 1) either we didn’t get the bib from SS and we can load the brief record because in the next load, a more full record will match on the 001 and overlay the brief, or 2) there’s something wrong with the matching system that is causing mismatching.
Action: Ranti will follow up with SS and Dao will investigate loader issues.
Additional notes:
Staff spaces: Courtney is in Janet Baldwin’s space/Fran in Nicole S.'s space, Tina in Autumn’s office. Nicole, Loretta, Cathy, and Janice will be going into spaces on 3E. There will be 2(?) spaces on 3E for TS drop-in employees. Details about reserving spaces to come (public calendars)?
Lisa - 1XX duplication on the bib records load from June from Backstage. Lisa’s Sierra isn’t working so she can’t edit bib records at the moment. This happened before, but this is a larger number of occurrence. Action: we will reload records and hope it fixes the duplication, we will lose edits made since Monday. Dao will do so after the meeting with Lisa.
New system - We have a new system! It’s in the negotiation stages. Nothing is final as of yet. Joshua hasn’t heard anything from the RFP committee or from purchasing. Question: are we negotiating needed system building into our contract? What do we tell staff about a system that doesn’t exist yet?
Meeting concluded at 10:02 am
TS Council 05-06-20 (DRAFT)
Present: Joshua, Don, Autumn, Ed, Dao, Kay, Ranti, Tim, Lucas, Emily, Nicole, Lisa S., Lisa R.
Approve the combined minutes of the 04-22-20 and 04-29-20 meetings
What pain points will need to be addressed when limited staff, not considered essential under the executive order, are allowed back in the building? Discuss hours needed/week, etc.
How are people doing?
TS Council 04-22-20 and 04-29-20 Combined minutes
Present: Joshua, Don, Autumn, Ed, Dao, Kay, Ranti, Tim, Lucas, Emily, Nicole, Lisa S., Lisa R.
Approved minutes of 4-15-20 Council meeting
Recommend how to proceed with Exchange in early May under current situation. Autumn agreed to organize this, following up with Mike Laney. Joshua, Emily, and Ranti agreed to be back up sites.
How are we doing? All are doing well and work is proceeding.
TS Council 04-15-20
Present: Joshua, Don, Autumn, Ed, Dao, Kay, Ranti, Tim, Lucas, Emily, Nicole, Lisa S., Lisa R.