Depoorter reported that all of the Rovi records we intend to send to Internet Archive have been suppressed and a list of items we intend to keep has been created in advance of a project to pull them.
Kiser and Robinson are working on another project for map call numbers. These numbers are being stored in MARC field 097. Please do not delete these!
Smeltekop is a part of a taskforce looking at ROVI adult materials and if these will be sent to Internet Archives or kept.
TS Managers 09-15-21
Present: Joshua Barton (notes), Don Depoorter, Autumn Faulkner, Ed Gildner, Lisa Robinson, Ranti Junus, Lisa Smith, Dao Gong, Adam DeWitt, Kay Granskog (notes)
Regrets: Lisa Smith
Approval of minutes
LED Lights and what is turned on or off
Turning off individual bulbs was disallowed temporarily because of a project; this is available again now
Lights in southwest corner of W106 largely dimmed by staff requests to Facilities
Feedback from staff makes it seem like current setup is okay
Do not contribute to FOLIO note - is the 977 field in the bib record working and should be we begin identifying other records we won’t contribute in a uniform way? Such as Serials Solutions records?
Definitive decisions on what should/shouldn’t be handled in Inventory vs. just EDS will be informed by what test custom catalog in EDS looks like and how it handles e-resources with relation to custom catalog. This EDS setup is still in the works.
New e-resource record loads: our goal is to have these handled on the EDS side; we’re trying to see if EBSCO is covering this appropriately for us. In the meantime, we have loaded some e-resource packages to Sierra, though these should’ve been given to EBSCO to load to EDS instead. Need to clear this up and internally clarify our plan here.
To see what is being submitted to HLM, can look in the eHoldings app in FOLIO, but individuals need to be given access.
Holding certain e-resources back from Inventory would have description and authority control implications. MSU theses, for example, won’t be fully described outside of the existing workflow that generates MARC records - this workflow would flow through Inventory. If Naxos records were held back, this would eliminate some authority control work done on Inventory side, but would reduce the end quality of the headings in the records.
Group discussed what has/hasn’t been sent to EBSCO to be loaded to custom database layer in EDS. Don has made these submissions. Will connect with Ranti to start to evaluate what is/isn’t showing up in EDS now that these have been submitted. E.g. Kanopy isn’t showing in EDS yet, even though it’s been loaded. Need answers from EBSCO on this.
TS Council 10-06-21
Present: Joshua Barton, Adam DeWitt, Autumn Faulkner, Ed Gildner, Dao Gong, Ranti Junus, Tim Kiser, Lucas Mak, Lisa Robinson, Emily Sanford, Nicole Smeltekop, Lisa Smith (notes), Kay Granskog
Regrets: Don Depoorter
Kay turned off tags. Did this cause a problem?
Lisa S discovered it’s possible to create a tag inadvertently. Once a tag is created, it cannot be deleted, and the same list of tags shows across all FOLIO apps. A message was sent out to MSU Acquisitions, MSU ERM, Law Library, and Library of Michigan folks. No one reported using or needing tags at this point in time. Tags will remain turned off until such time when we have an understanding of how they work, and can use them in a constructive way.
Receiving monographs. Lisa S will demonstrate so you can see some of the questions they are encountering that may affect workflow later.
It was noticed that receiving is being done differently by some Acquisitions staff. Most Acquisitions staff receive items without adding location information. Some receiving was done with the extra step of adding a location in the Receiving app. The only location choice in the Receiving app is the location listed in the Orders app. (For example, if the Order app had mn as the location, the only choice in the Receiving app would be ‘mn.’) The Order app in the production tenet of FOLIO has records default to ‘instance’ only, or ‘none.’ Since cataloging is not being done in FOLIO yet, and the orders are not set up to add holdings, there is no affect on the Inventory app.
In order to learn more about the interaction between the Order app, Receiving app and Inventory, we will plan to do testing in the FOLIO test tenet, after the migration of bib, checkin, and item records from Sierra to the FOLIO test tenet is complete.
Comments from everyone about where we are with Theo’s attempt to refresh.
There is still work to do. There was a misunderstanding that our Sierra locations always had 5 characters, so any location with less characters did not migrate properly. There were also several locations that were updated by MSU after the Acquisitions/ERM migration, which needed to be updated on EBSCO’s end. Some checkin information migrated, but most did not. Holdings have not yet been completed.
Imessage = d item records. There were 153,532 item records that are coded Imessage = d which means that when we moved to Millennium from Notis, there was no item record for a title. Should we wholesale move them over to FOLIO? Some information: of these records, 116,916 are for Special Collections leaving 36,616 for all other locations. Another 17,090 are for the Voice, 11,008 are for Main, and 2,081 are for Government Documents.
Tim Kiser located many of these ‘d' item records in the Maps collection, and updated the items. It’s conceivable that more titles could be located and updated over time. The records will be migrated to FOLIO with the thought that more information is better than less.
Group thoughts on cat sep, anals, and set add checkin card information and what to keep. (Example of each: set add c11150543; cat seps c11397470; Anals c1102740x)
Lynn Farabaugh is working on a project to close checkin cards that correspond to Sierra cancelled orders, as clean up ahead of FOLIO migration. Lynn had questions about how to handle CATSEP, SETADDS and ANALYTICS. A lot of these cards are old, so claiming is not a factor. Occasionally, the card information can be useful for trouble-shooting. However, the work involved in finding a way to migrate box information to FOLIO is a usable way seems daunting. It was determined that TS did not need box information for these older records kept. Checkin record fields will be migrated. Kay will run this by Steve Sowards before a final decision is made.
Joshua announced the COPIES fixed field code in the Sierra checkin record will not correlate to the copy number of the checkin record, rather than the number of physical copies receiveved at check-in.
The copy number will be recorded in the COPIES fixed field and in the IDENTITY (i-tag) field in Sierra. All existing, relevant checkin records have been updated. There is a wrinkle in that this affects the expected number of copies being checked in, or going to binding, etc in the checkin box. Staff who work with cards and boxes have been notified of this.
For new cataloging, if you add a second, third, etc. copy of a serial run to an existing bib record in Sierra, please input the copy number in the COPIES field, too.
Action items
Approved 9-15-21 minutes
Learn how FOLIO tags function before using in production
Lisa S/ACQ task force will work with CAT task force to test orders with instance, instance & holdings, and instance, holdings and item in the FOLIO test environment.
Kay will touch base with Steve Sowards regarding CATSEP, SETADDS, ANAL card information and migration.
Migrate imessage=d item records from Sierra to FOLIO
TS Managers 10-26-21
Present: Joshua Barton , Don Depoorter, Autumn Faulkner, Ed Gildner, Lisa Robinson, Ranti Junus, Dao Gong, Adam DeWitt, Kay Granskog, Lisa Smith
Approve previous minutes (10-6-21)
ROVI and OCLC holding symbols on records. We are leaning toward removing them. Any downside?
Serials Solutions records with records attached have to migrate. What would be an acceptable way to mark the 001 field to remove the “SS”?
Look at EDS with the first iteration of the custom catalog included. https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?custid=s8364774&groupid=FOLIOTEST&profid=cattest&authtype=shib Use regular netid and password to enter.
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