Summary: Information about and instructions for cataloging materials received via a Library of Congress purchase plan for African resources, known as LCCAP.
General info
Materials are received in two large shipments per year and unpacked/received/sorted by Acquisitions staff
LC staff provide printouts of catalog records in each monograph, but not in the serials
no other special flags denote these as being LCCAP materials
Materials are generally routed as follows:
Serials → Beth Nugent in Acquisitions
Monographs → copy cataloging shelves in CMS
Individual titles do not have order records
Any items sent to T Loc will need to be routed to Kim W. first for an order record
Cataloging treatment
search Sierra for duplicate titles
return any dups to Lisa Smith
catalog as a normal monograph
when exporting from Connexion, no need to include overlay command
if adequate copy is not available, place item on copy cataloging problems shelf
if problem cannot be resolved, route item to Kim W. for order record creation and T Loc-ing