Installed an interface between CLSI (circulation system and defacto online catalog) and Innovacq, providing order information for patrons online for the first time.
Serials module added to the Innovacq system.
Expanded domestic approvals with a Science Plan with YBP. Removed medicine in 1995 and changed to all slips in 2005. Too expensive for approval.
Expanded domestic approvals with a Social Science/Humanities Plan with YBP.
First library to implement OCLC Promptcat with YBP.
Moved from NOTIS library system to III’s Millennium system for both the catalog and back end.
Implemented Serials Solutions (vendor) for e-journal content.
January 2004
Transitioned from OCLC Passport (command line search interface which charged per retrieval) to OCLC CatME (allowed working offline and expanded search options)
Summer 2004
Implemented Metafind Federated Search and WebBridge openURL link resolver.
Library of Michigan and Law Library catalogs merged with MSUL catalog.
MSUL Dubai branch opened; Dubai collection added to catalo
Served as beta partner to develop ContentPro, an Innovative federated search too
Vision Task Force report.
July 2009
New public catalog interface launched.
August 18, 2009
Implemented SkyRiver bibliographic utility; concluded overlapping use of OCLC Connexion two months later.
April 6, 2010
Began loading HathiTrust records to the catalog
January 2011
Started transmitting requests to have checks cut through the Enterprise Business System (EBS) using software created by Bill Wheeler to translate the output from III Millennium to a format acceptable to EBS.
April 14, 2011
W106 offices torn down; walls painted and new furniture installed for Acquisitions.
August 2011
AirPac (mobile version of the online catalog) installed.
July 2012
Upgraded from Innovative Millennium ILS to Sierra.
Summer 2012
Google digitization project began.
March 2013
Implemented RDA (new cataloging standard) for all original cataloging.
AACR2 records still accepted for copy.
2014 (Which month?)
Technical Services consolidated into W106 and W128 with other offices.
January 10, 2014
The last HathiTrust record was loaded into the catalog. Total loaded was 1,547,184 bibliographic records.