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- Tim
- Attended LC pre conference on proposing new classification numbers
- Can consult with other catalogers if anyone has
- CCDA — some discussion about future directions, considering focus on application profiles within RDA
- RDA beta Toolkit is very very beta!
- Should be final by end of 2018
- It will be up to individual communities to decide when to adopt this new revision
- DCRM policy statements will be added after final version
- Lots more examples coming
- Nicole
- OLAC concerned about cost of new Toolkit
- Bibframe
- Focusing on core ontology, relying on communities of practice to develop additional vocabs
- Working with vendors to think about ILS systems that can use BF data
- Internal search of BF dataset already operational
- Editor profiles customized by type of material
- Potential merger of ALCTS, LITA, and LLAMA
- Hope by MW to have draft realignment plan ready
- Joshua
- Session on past, present, future of non Latin script materials cataloging and encoding
- Hope that alternate labels option which linked data environment makes possible will resolve some of the many issues here
- Violet Fox —> creation of cataloginglab.org tool
- Forms ppl can submit information through
- BTAA talking about similar model
- CCP project being renewed, some requirements changing/easing to become more informal
- Potential for Ivy League school involvement
- Contributing to CONSER project of creating full level serial records for titles in online Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- Problem example: conflicting title in issues of one work, had to do research to straighten out
- Rovi problems
- Doing a lot of recataloging
- Gift of film soundtracks
- Made a pass through T Loc H
- Gov docs going to remote storage
- Manuscript collection
- Can’t catalog with piece in hand, so dealing with Issue of relying on incomplete existing descriptions
- International gov doc serials going out to Remote
- Backlog of gov docs serials
- Tricky issues with title changes, linking, working with Acq end of things sometimes to resolve problems
- Cataloging documentation
- SPC and T Loc H materials
- Bound-with problems
- Differentiation of “The Romany” identity, even made NAR for a dog!
- Finished almost 200 Tanzanian Swahili videos
- A small pile of videos from Guinea
- Films made everywhere
- Dubbed in variety of languages with no subtitles
- How to provide subject access?
- Rovi DVD multi disc set of operas
- No packaging! Had to watch credits and such to catalog correctly
- Cataloged new subscription to Live From the Met
- Garden variety new map acquisitions
- Coming up: Soviet military maps of Great Lakes region
- Lockwood cookbooks — different printings or different editions? Difficult determinations sometimes
- Encountered an opinionated 520 summary note in a record for a Brer Rabbit work
- Revising/enhancing subject access and print finding aids for collections that have to do with the Land Grant act
- Qualifying personal names in NARs (Lucas)
- Change in series tracing policy (Autumn)
- historical practice of tracing/tracking numbered series titles has changed
- going forward, untraced titles in a 490 0_ are acceptable for all series, numbered or unnumbered
- see new procedures on the Series authorities and series tracing page
- Backlog of 1660 ETDs completed!
- These piled up during transition from SkyRiver to OCLC
- More ETDs in catalog now as brief records and will require cataloging, but we're not going to do them immediately
- Some issues need to be resolved between Graduate Office and MSU Libraries concerning third-party search parameters that authors stipulate upon submission of their dissertation
- Report from PCC OpCO meetings
- Working on strategic directions, membership and participation requirements, etc.
- LC emphasized that their resources and staffing are strained
- Thinking about ways to involve more libraries in cooperative cataloging work, lower thresholds
- Ongoing conversations about discontinuing use of ISBD punctuation
- Survey is out to collect input from cataloging community
- RDA 3R project
- RDA Steering Committee is overseeing alignment of RDA with new Library Reference Model
- Some members of RSC adamant that RDA numbering be removed; some disruption to project expected around this issue
- PCC and LD4P collaborating on linked data sandbox tool
- Intended to allow other libraries to experiment with linked data production workflows
- Will be carried out with new Mellon grant just awarded
- Looking to clean up remaining 260 fields in WorldCat records
- Hoping to eliminate alphabetical codes for encoding levels (I, M, K, etc.) and use only MARC-defined numerical codes
- ISNI pilot
- Some reports from libraries that staff with no NACO training learned ISNI process and interfaces more easily than NACO-trained catalogers
- Increasing awareness that NACO or some alternative needs a lower threshold for participation
- Also increased consideration of protecting privacy of people described in NACO records
- Unverified call numbers for literary authors can now be added to 053 with local MARC code (MiEM)
- Rundown of proposal review process, emphasizing lack of staff and volume of work
- Joshua believes from this that PCC participant libraries should reimagine current process and contribute suggestions for change
- Carla Hayden receiving quarterly updates from BIBFRAME project
- Non-Latin characters in BIBFRAME cataloging will necessitate changes existing policies and systems concerning character rendering
- Editor with profiles and converted LC dataset to be released at Annual
- Definitive declaration of BIBFRAME as MARC successor planned at ALA Annual
- LC will ask for funding to support BIBFRAME going forward