OCLC Bibliographic records need to be retained in the catalog when a title is re-cataloged or withdrawn. Periodically a file of these records will be retrieved and sent to OCLC for holdings deletion.
Catalog Maintenance will handle this process for all staff. Bibliographic withdrawals are only
The records will be suppressed as titles are withdrawn
(Insert "w" in the suppression field) or re-cataloged.
The catdate is removed (type "b" to blank out field) and
location code is changed to "n" none.
The indexing (c tagged) call number field should be changed to a non-indexing field (y tagged) and left in the bib record.
Each bib record will have an explanatory non-MARC note field to help identify why the record is still in the database. This note field MUST be entered with a "n" tag, then "tab" to the beginning of the field. Do not hit the space bar after the "n" tag. Examples:
n HOLDINGS WITHDRAWN per [selector initials]. [date].lme.
n HOLDINGS WITHDRAWN per [selector initials] Greenglass w/d proj. Retain item for inv.#. [date.initials]
n HOLDINGS WITHDRAWN per misg proj. [date.initials]
Remove the 866 if there is one. There should only be one 866 field. The record should not be withdrawn on this procedure unless all pieces on the record are being withdrawn.
Remove all 856 fields in the bib record.
If an order record is attached, the same note (n HOLDINGS WITHDRAWN [date].initial) is placed in an "n" note field in the order record. If there is also a current order for an add copy or replacement, the order you place the note field in must also be suppressed. After the file of records has been sent to OCLC and holdings deletion has been confirmed, the records will be removed from the catalog. Any bibliographic records with an attached order record will remain in the catalog until it's order record has been purged.
See procedure for withdrawing Non-OCLC records.
Removing records from catalog
If the book is barcoded, verify that the barcode on the book matches the barcode in the record.
Click EDIT to get into the bib record.
Verify that the title in the record matches the title on the piece. Also check pages and DATES.
Delete item records and Black out barcodes.
Change Suppression to "W" withdrawn.
Remove Cat date. Click into cat date and hit the letter "b". That blanks out the date field.
Double click onLOCATION:
Change the Location to NONE.
Call # "c" 090 or 099 and "g" 086 tags:
Change the "c"tag to a "y" tag
Delete the "g" 086 tags.
Remove the 866 if there is one.
Remove all 856 fields if there are any.
Each bib record will have an explanatory non-MARC note field to help identify why the record is still in the database
Scroll the END of the bib record and HIT Enter.
Type "n" tag, then "tab" to the beginning of the field. Do not hit the space bar after the "n" tag.
Type this note in all capitals: HOLDINGS WITHDRAWN (lower case, initials)/(date).
Save bib record changes.
Click Summary of items.
Deleting Item Record
Go back to the summary of items.
Delete the item record as long as there is no "... retain for inv.#" note, Example: "n" HOLDINGS WITHDRAWN [date].lme retain for inv.# or .
If an order record is attached, the same note (n HOLDINGS WITHDRAWN [date].initial) is placed in a note field. If you are not authorized to edit order records, give finished list of withdrawals to supervisor when you are finished. Ctrl. "i" Insert, type "n" in the note prompt box.
Save changes.
Stamp book WITHDRAWN or Government Documents are stamped discard.
Black out BARCODES on the book.
Place books either on Surplus trucks or in bins.
When Other Locations are on the Record
If the book is barocded, verify that the barcode on the book matches the barcode in the record.
Click EDIT to get into the bib record.
Double click on LOCATION. The Edit Data box pops up.
Click on the location that is being withdrawn.
Click "Remove Location" leaving other locations in the list.
Click OK to exit Edit Data box.
Check for other primary call numbers in the bib and item records.
Remove our 866 if there is one. If removing our holdings leaves only one location on the record, remove the Location description in front of the 866.
Examples: h 866 Main: pt.1 h 866 Business: pt.1+suppl.1,pt.2+suppl.1
or h 866 Main: v.1 h 866 Special Collections: v.1-v.2
h 899 v.1-v.2. (Library Michigan holdings are in the 899. Their location does not have a location in front even when there are multiple locations.) h 866 Main: v.1-v.2 (If removing Main from the record, "Gull Lake:" is removed from the front of the 866.)