Summary: Procedure provides guidance on creating billable records for Interlibrary Services and Patron Services.
Billable records are received from either ILS or Patron Services. They are delivered either in an e-mails or a printout is hand delivered.
MelCat billable records come from Patron Services and are for billing MSU Patrons for ILS books they have borrowed. Be sure that the patron pin number (.p_____) is written on the printout. The patron pin number is how the item is matched to the patron’s billable record. That number is how the item record is matched to the patron’s billable record.
ILLiadD billable records come from ILS. ILS will NEVER give CatMan a MelCat billable record to process
Select BIB and Item Record templates if not already Mel and ILLIAD
Admin. >
Settings >
Record Template> select template for bib or item record.
Bib template (ILLiad Bill Bib or MeLCatbib)
Item template (ILLiaditem or MeLCatitem)
Click arrow to move the template to the PREFERRED TEMPLATE column
Create new record:
ITEM Records
To identify that you have the correct item template:
IType for MeLCat 248 or ILLIAD 249. This IType makes it due today for billing to take place.
Item Locations
MelCat billable item locations are “inmch*MSU Patron Services (MeLCat)*”
ILLiad defaut location is: ILLIAD *** MSU Patron Services (ILLIAD)***. Insert Library location if it is available. Ex.: zv002.
Barcode field: fill in the TN # (transaction number)
v 721970 (ILLiad TN#)
Item status for both Mel and ILLiad is left “-“Available. Patron Services staff initiate will billing from the status field.
MelCat and ILLiad insert a price of $100.17. At year-end change cents to match the year change.
MelCat Barcode Example: 35301523549138zv002
MelCat Call number: Insert “c” 099, type the call number on the request.
The MelCat printout needs to include the patron pin number. Patron Services staff are not able to match the item to the patron’s billable record without that number.
Save the Record and write the bib (.b____) number on the printout.
Copy and paste the bib # into the e-mail subject field.
For ILLiad requests, respond to e-mail from Andrea or Cen that the record has been created.
Finished paperwork goes to Patron Services staff either Erin or Becky to initiate billing.
FILE > New BIB Record. The template creates a partially filled in record for you to fill in the blanks.
MelCat Bib Record
MelCat Bib Location on the printout: za020**COLLEGE** is the Lending Library z#. Leave the default location if there is no z# provided.
Call number: No changes or additions are made to the call number
Example: C 099 MeLCat -- TEMP. MeLCat BILL RECORD - not a MSU record - see Erin or Becky, Patron Services, for more information.
Author: Add the authors name, check OUT DATE and DUE DATE.
Example: a 100 Botting, Fred Checked out 5/30/16 Due 7/8/16
a 100 UNKNOWN Checked out 3/2/17 Due 4/20/17
Dates should be included in the e-mail request.
Title: Begin typing the title AFTER the two asterisks. The asterisk is the way Patron Services and CatMan differentiate between the virtual record and billed record.
TITLE indicators need 2 SKIP characters after the asterisk.
SKIP Characters: t 245 2 **Bataille
Add skip characters for titles that start with an article.
Example: “**The” has 6 skip characters.
Per Lisa R … apparently quotation marks do not need a skip character. The title is searchable in the catalog as is..b94841433 "I want to be a citizen just like any other"
In addition to the title, include subfields and / |c fields.
Illid records insert
ILLiad template creates a partially filled in record for you to fill in the blanks.
Call number: insert the “TN” Transaction number. Example: c 099 ILLiad TN679594 -- TEMP. ILLiad BILL RECORD - not a MSU record - see Erin or Becky, Patron Services, for more information..
Author field: authors name, check OUT DATE __ and DUE DATE __.
Title: Begin typing the title AFTER the two asterisks. The asterisk is the way Patron Services and CatMan differentiate between the virtual record and billed record.
TITLE indicators need 2 SKIP characters after the asterisk.
SKIP Characters: t 245 2 **Bataille
Add skip characters for titles that start with an article.
Example: “**The” has 6 skip characters.
Per Lisa R, quotation marks do not need a skip character added. The title is searchable in the catalog as is.
Examples: .b94841433 "I want to … like any other"
Include title subfields and / |c fields.
Publisher 260 field: Insert place and publisher in the 260 field if provided on the printout.
Change the bib and item templates back
Billable records are created for Interlibrary Services (ILS) and Patron Services.